Patellofemoral Instability in Children: Imaging Findings and Therapeutic Approaches

  • Hee Kyung Kim (Department of Radiology, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center) ;
  • Shital Parikh (Devision of Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery, Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center)
  • Received : 2021.07.14
  • Accepted : 2022.02.19
  • Published : 2022.06.01


Patellofemoral instability (PFI) is common in pediatric knee injuries. PFI results from loss of balance in the dynamic relationship of the patella in the femoral trochlear groove. Patellar lateral dislocation, which is at the extreme of the PFI, results from medial stabilizer injury and leads to the patella hitting the lateral femoral condyle. Multiple contributing factors to PFI have been described, including anatomical variants and altered biomechanics. Femoral condyle dysplasia is a major risk factor for PFI. Medial stabilizer injury contributes to PFI by creating an imbalance in dynamic vectors of the patella. Increased Q angle, femoral anteversion, and lateral insertion of the patellar tendon are additional contributing factors that affect dynamic vectors on the patella. An imbalance in the dynamics results in patellofemoral malalignment, which can be recognized by the presence of patella alta, patellar lateral tilt, and lateral subluxation. Dynamic cross-sectional images are useful for in vivo tracking of the patella in patients with PFI. Therapeutic approaches aim to restore normal patellofemoral dynamics and prevent persistent PFI. In this article, the imaging findings of PFI, including risk factors and characteristic findings of acute lateral patellar dislocation, are reviewed. Non-surgical and surgical approaches to PFI in pediatric patients are discussed.



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