Analysis of the Ergothioneine Content in the Fruiting Bodies of Sawdust-cultivated Lentinula edodes Cultivars in Korea

한국의 표고 톱밥재배 품종의 에르고티오네인 함량 분석

  • Min-Jun Kim (Forest Microbiology Division, Department of Forest Bio-resources, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Yeun Sug Jeong (Forest Microbiology Division, Department of Forest Bio-resources, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Eunjin Kim (Forest Microbiology Division, Department of Forest Bio-resources, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Yeongseon Jang (Forest Microbiology Division, Department of Forest Bio-resources, National Institute of Forest Science) ;
  • Kang-Hyeon Ka (Forest Microbiology Division, Department of Forest Bio-resources, National Institute of Forest Science)
  • 김민준 (국립산림과학원 산림생명자원연구부 산림미생물연구과) ;
  • 정연석 (국립산림과학원 산림생명자원연구부 산림미생물연구과) ;
  • 김은진 (국립산림과학원 산림생명자원연구부 산림미생물연구과) ;
  • 장영선 (국립산림과학원 산림생명자원연구부 산림미생물연구과) ;
  • 가강현 (국립산림과학원 산림생명자원연구부 산림미생물연구과)
  • Received : 2022.09.05
  • Accepted : 2022.12.19
  • Published : 2022.12.31


Lentinula edodes is a type of mushroom widely consumed in East Asia, and many of the components contained in them are used as raw materials for pharmaceuticals or as health supplements. Ergothioneine, a sulfur-containing amino acid in L. edodes, is attracting attention due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. L. edodes generally contain an ergothioneine content of about 200 to 800 mg per kg; there are some differences in this value depending on the cultivation conditions. In this study, 24 domestic sawdust-cultivated L. edodes cultivars were cultured under the same conditions, and the morphological characteristics and ergothioneine content of the fruiting bodies were investigated. The yield and morphological characteristics of the fruiting bodies were different in each cultivar. Taehyanggo and Sanjo 713ho had the largest and thickest pileus. The pileus of L. edodes had a higher ergothioneine content than the stipe. Sanjo 715ho had the highest ergothioneine content in the pileus and the stipe at 1,225 mg/kg and 753 mg/kg, respectively. An ergothioneine content of more than 1,000 mg/kg in the pileus was observed in Bambithyang, Sansanhyang, Sulbaekhyang, Taehyanggo, Sanjo 705ho, Sanjo 709ho, Sanjo 715ho, and Sanjo 716ho. These cultivars can be used as parental strains to develop new cultivars with enhanced ergothioneine functionalities.

본 연구에서는 국내 톱밥 재배 표고품종 24개를 같은 조건에서 배양하고 자실체를 발생시켜 형태적인 특성과 버섯의 대표적인 기능성 물질인 에르고티오네인의 함량을 조사하였다. 자실체 생산량과 형태적 특성은 품종별로 차이를 보였으며 에르고티오네인 함량이 높은 갓 부위의 경우 태향고와 산조713호가 각각 가장 크고 두껍게 측정되었다. 품종별 자실체 부위 에르고티오네인 함량 측정 결과 표고는 갓이 대보다 높은 에르고티오네인 함량을 가진다는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 갓부위는 산조715가 kg당 1,225 mg으로 가장 높았고 대부위는 산조711가 kg당 753 mg으로 가장 높은 에르고티오네인 함량이 확인되었다. 갓부위의 에르고티오네인 함량이 kg당 1,000 mg 이상인 품종은 밤빛향, 산산향, 설백향, 태향고, 산조705호, 산조709호, 산조715호 그리고 산조716호로 이들 품종을 모균주로 선발하여 에르고티오네인의 기능성 강화 신품종 개발에 이용할 것이다.



This study was supported by the Golden Seed Project of 'Breeding of new strains of shiitake for cultivar protection and substitution of import [213007-05-5-SBH10]' provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, Rural Development Administration and Korea Forest Service and a grant from the General Project (FP0800-2020-01) of the National Institute of Forest Science, Republic of Korea.


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