The Occurrence Climatology of Equatorial Plasma Bubbles: A Review

  • Kil, Hyosub (The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory)
  • Received : 2022.04.17
  • Accepted : 2022.06.05
  • Published : 2022.06.15


Electron density irregularities in the equatorial ionosphere at night are understood in terms of plasma bubbles, which are produced by the transport of low-density plasma from the bottomside of the F region to the topside. Equatorial plasma bubbles (EPBs) have been detected by various techniques on the ground and from space. One of the distinguishing characteristics of EPBs identified from long-term observations is the systematic seasonal and longitudinal variation of the EPB activity. Several hypotheses have been developed to explain the systematic EPB behavior, and now we have good knowledge about the key factors that determine the behavior. However, gaps in our understanding of the EPB climatology still remain primarily because we do not yet have the capability to observe seed perturbations and their growth simultaneously and globally. This paper reviews the occurrence climatology of EPBs identified from observations and the current understanding of its driving mechanisms.



This work was supported by National Science Foundation (no. AGS2029840), Air Force Multi-University Research Initiative (no. FA9559-16-1-0364), and Air Force Asian Office of Aerospace Research and Development (no. FA2386-21-1-4034) in the United States.


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