Integrated Applications of Microalgae to Wastewater Treatment and Biorefinery: Recent Advances and Opportunities

  • Nguyen, Van Tuyen (Advanced Materials and Environmental Technology, National Center for Technological Progress) ;
  • Limjuco, Lawrence A. (Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering (LEE), Department of Chemical Engineering, University of the Philippines at Diliman) ;
  • Lee, Kisay (Department of Environmental Engineering and Energy, Myongji University) ;
  • Dang, Nhat Minh (VNU Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials for Green Growth, Vietnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2022.05.14
  • 심사 : 2022.05.27
  • 발행 : 2022.06.10


Microalgae is becoming a vital component for a circular economy and ultimately for sustainable development. Herein, recent developments in different outcomes of microalgae for wastewater treatment and biorefinery were reviewed. From its primary function as a third-generation resource of biofuel, the usage of microalgae has been diversified as an integral element for the CO2 sequestration and production of economically valuable products (e.g., pharmaceuticals, animal feeds, biofertilizer, biochar, etc.). Principles and recent challenges for each microalgae application were presented to suggest a motivation for future research and the direction of development. The integration of microalgae within the concept of the circular economy was also discussed with various routes of microalgae-based biorefinery.



This research was funded from the Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU), under project number TXTCN.21.24.


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