Teachers' Perspectives on Obstacles Facing Gifted Students with Learning Disabilities in Saudi Arabia

  • 투고 : 2022.04.05
  • 발행 : 2022.04.30


The purpose of this study was to identify the obstacles facing gifted students with learning disabilities (GSLDs) from the point of view of their teachers in the Makkah region and to find suggested solutions to overcome these obstacles. The study covered Makkah, Jeddah and Taif and used semi-structured interviews which included open-ended questions. The study findings indicated that there were several educational obstacles including the absence of adapted courses or specialized teachers for GSLDs category and the insufficient time for the students to express their talents. According to the findings, there were also societal obstacles including the society's failure to expect the presence of talents along with disabilities, or its denial or rejection of their talents in addition to ridiculing them. The findings also confirmed the existence of administrative obstacles including the lack of community partnership. There were also family obstacles such as the family's lack of encouragement for the students, and ignorance of the nature of GSLDs. The study came up with a number of solutions and proposals related to awareness, educational institutions, education and competitions for talented people with learning disabilities.



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