Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of Mobile S-MAC Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network

  • Received : 2022.04.05
  • Published : 2022.04.30


Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are becoming widely used in collecting and sensing information in different fields such as in the medical area, smart phone industry and military environment. The main concern here is reducing the power consumption because it effects in the lifetime of wireless sensor during commutation because it may be work in some environment like sensor in the battlefields where is not easy to change the battery for a node and that may decrease the efficiency of that node and that may affect the network traffic may be interrupted because one or more nodes stop working. In this paper we implement, simulate, and investigate S-MAC protocol with mobility support and show the sequence of events the sender and receiver go through. We tested some parameters and their impacts of on the performance including System throughput, number of packets successfully delivered per second, packet delay, average packet delay before successful transmission.



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