Influence of Business Analytics Usage on Operational Efficiency of Information Technology Infrastructure Management

  • Elangovan N (School of Business and Management, Christ University) ;
  • Ruchika Gupta (School of Business and Management, Christ University) ;
  • Sundaravel, E (School of Business and Management, Christ University)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.07
  • 심사 : 2022.01.19
  • 발행 : 2022.03.31


Organizations today depend and thrive on timely, accurate and strategically relevant information. Business analytics (BA) holds the key to many of these issues. This paper validates a model on how the usage of BA leads to operational efficiency. We identified the factors of basic analytical usage from the Business Capacity Maturity Model (BCMM). The scope of the study is restricted to the Information Technology Infrastructure and Application management domain. A survey was conducted among the managers of the IT companies in Bengaluru, India. The results showed a significant influence of data-oriented culture and BA tools and infrastructure on BA usage. We found a significant influence of BA usage and pervasive use on operational efficiency. The speed to insight is still not practised in organizations. The awareness level of analytical skills in organizations is very low.



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