Integrated QR Payment System (QRIS): Cashless Payment Solution in Developing Country from Merchant Perspective

  • 투고 : 2021.11.16
  • 심사 : 2022.05.23
  • 발행 : 2022.09.30


This paper examines the integrated QR code payment service (QRIS) adoption by retailers in Indonesia. Indonesia started its cashless journey in 2017 by using electric money in card form. As the country keeps developing, Indonesia has planned to integrate its payment towards a cross-border payment using QR codes by 2025 in the South East Asian region. Facing government vision, MSMEs that act as the significant economy wheel in Indonesia was required to be prepared to face the multi-cultural, multi-currency, and the new tech innovation for doing transactions. However, as a developing country, Indonesia faced significant problems with its infrastructure, which made it hard for merchants to access digital payment. As infrastructure was a common problem for developing countries, Indonesia also faced financial inclusion, lack of digital knowledge, a high amount of cash use, and socialization that made low digital payment penetration. Therefore, as there was a need to increase digital payment penetration for ASEAN integrated payment, this study found that merchant compatibility, facilitating conditions, trust, and relative advantages are drivers for MSMEs using this payment method. Further, this research provides propositions for banks, financial institutions, and governments to develop and evolve towards a cashless ecosystem, especially for a country lacking infrastructure.



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