Why is the Interest in Blockchain Still on the Decline? Blockchain Challenges, Review, and Research Agenda

  • Kumar Saurabh (Indian Institute of Management Shillong) ;
  • Neelam Rani (Indian Institute of Management Shillong) ;
  • Ridhi Arora (Organizational Behavior & Human Resource Management, Indian Institute of Management Shillong) ;
  • Debasisha Mishra (Indian Institute of Management Shillong) ;
  • Ramkumar M. (Department of Operations Management, Indian Institute of Management Raipur)
  • 투고 : 2021.06.22
  • 심사 : 2022.03.04
  • 발행 : 2022.06.30


Based on its technological elements (distribution, encryption, immutability, tokenisation, decentralisation, and smart contracts), blockchain has drawn considerable attention in various industries and verticals. Still, the strategic adoption of blockchain is in its early stages because of the current barriers and challenges in the areas of 'customer experience', 'business models', and 'operational processes.' This work delivers a comprehensive synopsis of the fundamental challenges faced by blockchain adopters in their digital journey, based on a literature survey. The authors leveraged MAXQDA software and the theory, context, characteristics, and methodology (TCCM) framework to develop themes, findings, and evidence for adoption barriers. The research evaluates the literature on blockchain adoption challenges and offers research insights and managerial agendas for future inferences.



We would like to thank Prof. Dr. Sanjeeb Kakoty and anonymous reviewers for their detailed, generous and insightful support, which helped to improve the paper drastically.


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