Usability Principles for Augmented Reality Applications in Education

  • Al-Obaidi, Arwa (Department of Computer Science, College of Computer, Al-Qassim University) ;
  • Prince, Master (Department of Computer Science, College of Computer, Al-Qassim University)
  • 투고 : 2021.12.05
  • 발행 : 2022.01.30


It is challenging to select appropriate technology in education to interact with students in today's digital world. Especially when the technologies used at home on smart devices like tablets and mobile phones are very advanced, on the other side, it may be more challenging to find sharing technology in the classroom. One of the ways is to use new technologies like Augmented Reality (AR). The current study aims to develop usability principles for the development and evaluation of education using AR technology applications. We develop usability principles for AR applications by analyzing existing research about heuristic evaluation methods, design principles for AR systems.



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