Paradigm of the Transformation of Potential-Forming Space Under the Impact of Intellectual-Innovation Determinants

  • Khanin, Semen (PHEI "Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University") ;
  • Derhaliuk, Marta (National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute") ;
  • Stavroyany, Serhii (Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture) ;
  • Kudlasevych, Olga (SO (Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine)) ;
  • Didkivska, Lesia (SO (Institute for Economics and Forecasting of the NAS of Ukraine))
  • 투고 : 2021.12.05
  • 발행 : 2022.01.30


The article examines the formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. Based on the study of different scientific views on the nature and properties of potential-forming space through the study of approaches to understanding the concept of "space" clarified the complexity and multifaceted nature of the phenomenon and found that its characteristics are relevant to the industrial development model. It is revealed that the leading modern trends related to the spread of globalization and regionalization, rapid development of information and communication technologies, diffusion of innovations accompany the transition from industrial to post-industrial development and its development, which leads to new development: changes production, nature and relations between business entities, etc. It is proved that under such conditions, the region as a key element of the economic system, acquires a leading role in achieving sustainable and balanced development. These processes significantly affect the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants, leading to the need for its transformation and change in accordance with modern realities, which is reflected in thorough research on the formation of scientific paradigm based on the formation of its theoretical foundations and methodological basis. This study reveals the essence, role, functions, structure, process of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants. It is proved that the formation of the modern scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants occurs in the context of building a post-industrial model of development, accompanied by consideration of the region as a spatial object territories from the physical plane to the spatial environment in which the development of human capital, innovation and self-development of the region. Taking into account the above, the article outlines the prerequisites and factors of formation of the scientific paradigm of transformation of the potential-forming space of the regional economy under the influence of intellectual and innovative determinants.



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