Integration Facility Management: Interface Coordination in Process Management

  • Laksmana, Dimas Indra (Industrial Engineering. Postgraduate Program. National Institute of Technology Malang) ;
  • Wijayaningtyas, Maranatha (Civil Engineering. Postgraduate Program. National Institute of Technology Malang) ;
  • Indriani, Sri (Industrial Engineering. Undergraduate Program. National Institute of Technology Malang) ;
  • Kiswandono, Kiswandono (Industrial Engineering. Undergraduate Program. National Institute of Technology Malang)
  • 투고 : 2021.12.05
  • 발행 : 2022.01.30


The information research system continues to be developed and directed at leading research National Institute of Technology (ITN) Malang in accordance with the Research Strategic Plan of ITN Malang. One of them is a computer system in a complete integrated facility management activity, such as this research scheme. The purpose of this research is to combine and integrate people, places, product, processes and technology. All of them are integrate existing organizational factors into a more effective, simplifying of complex processes, identifying and scheduling, notes, decision makers and more. This research was conducted in stages by design with a structured model stage for 3 (three) years (focus on humans, products and processes), research on Integration Facility Management: Interface Coordination in human resources and product management have been completed on 2019 and 2020. While the focus of research this year is to obtain an integrated facility management Interface Coordination in Process Management.



The authors wish to thank to Ministry Education, Culture, Research and Technology of Republic Indonesia, Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology.


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