Experience of e-Learning during Lockdown for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Alharthi, Emad M. (Faculty of Education, Umm Al-Qura University) ;
  • Bagadood, Nizar H. (Faculty of Education, Umm Al-Qura University)
  • 투고 : 2021.12.05
  • 발행 : 2022.01.30


This study examines the impact of e-learning on the educational level of students with intellectual disabilities from the viewpoint of their teachers. The study sample consisted of seven teachers: two working in primary school, two in middle school, and three in secondary school. The research applied a qualitative approach, using interviews with the participants. The results showed that the following are required for the effective use of e-learning: firstly, appropriate training courses need to be offered to teachers, students, and families and secondly, it is vital students are provided with the appropriate digital devices to maintain contact with their teachers. The study concludes by recommending the development of educational applications and/or programs capable of supporting teachers and students in their use of e-learning.



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