A Novel Approach For Component Classifications And Adaptation Using JALTREE Algorithm

  • Jalender, B. (VNRVJIET) ;
  • Govardhan, Dr. A (JNTU)
  • Received : 2022.02.05
  • Published : 2022.02.28


Component adaptation is widely recognized as one of the main problems of the components, used in component based software engineering (CBSE). We developed methods to adjust the components classified by the keywords. Three main methods are discussed in this article those methods are combined with several domain component interfaces, high level simple notation for the adapter design patterns. The automated process for classifying high-level components are using adaptation is novel to software engineering domain. All Specifications and many technologies for re-using software, CBD and further developments have been emerged in recent years. The effects of these technologies on program quality or software costs must be analyzed. The risk concerns a single technology and must identify its combinations. In this paper, we are going to discuss the methods to adapt components of different technologies



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