A Study on the Learning Experience of Participating in a Collaborative Problem-Solving Learning Model from a Student's Perspective: Qualitative Analysis from Focus Group Interviews

  • Lee, Sowon (College of Nursing, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Boyoung (College of Nursing, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Kim, Seonyoung (Biomedical Research Institute, Hwasun Chonnam National University Hospital)
  • Received : 2022.02.23
  • Accepted : 2022.03.08
  • Published : 2022.03.31


This qualitative study aimed to investigate ways to improve effective cooperative learning from students' perspective by understanding and analyzing the learning experiences of nursing students who participated in a collaborative problem-solving learning model. Data were collected through focus group interviews and reflection journals of six second-year nursing students from G-university in J-city who participated in a collaborative problem-solving learning model course. The interview data were analyzed and divided into 3 categories and 10 subcategories according to the six-step thematic analysis method proposed by Braun and Clarke. The results of analyzing the interviews were considered based on three areas: preparation before learning, the process of collaborating as a cooperative learning experience, and solutions and expectations after learning. The participants felt frustrated because collaborative problem-solving took more time for individual learning than traditional methods did and would not allow them to check the correct answers immediately. However, they gained new experiences by solving problems and engaging in discussions within their learning community. The participants' expectations included material that could help their learning, measures to prevent free-riders, and consideration of the learning process in evaluation factors. Although this study has sample limitations by targeting nursing students in only one region, it can be used to help operate collaborative problem-solving classes, as it reflects the real experiences and opinions of students.



This work was supported by Chonnam National University in 2021.


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