Analysis of promising countries for export using parametric and non-parametric methods based on ERGM: Focusing on the case of information communication and home appliance industries

ERGM 기반의 모수적 및 비모수적 방법을 활용한 수출 유망국가 분석: 정보통신 및 가전 산업 사례를 중심으로

  • Jun, Seung-pyo (Center for Global R&D Data Analysis, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ;
  • Seo, Jinny (Center for Global R&D Data Analysis, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) ;
  • Yoo, Jae-Young (Center for Global R&D Data Analysis, Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information)
  • 전승표 (한국과학기술정보연구원 글로벌R&D분석센터) ;
  • 서진이 (한국과학기술정보연구원 글로벌R&D분석센터) ;
  • 유재영 (한국과학기술정보연구원 글로벌R&D분석센터)
  • Received : 2021.11.24
  • Accepted : 2021.12.22
  • Published : 2022.03.31


Information and communication and home appliance industries, which were one of South Korea's main industries, are gradually losing their export share as their export competitiveness is weakening. This study objectively analyzed export competitiveness and suggested export-promising countries in order to help South Korea's information communication and home appliance industries improve exports. In this study, network properties, centrality, and structural hole analysis were performed during network analysis to evaluate export competitiveness. In order to select promising export countries, we proposed a new variable that can take into account the characteristics of an already established International Trade Network (ITN), that is, the Global Value Chain (GVC), in addition to the existing economic factors. The conditional log-odds for individual links derived from the Exponential Random Graph Model (ERGM) in the analysis of the cross-border trade network were assumed as a proxy variable that can indicate the export potential. In consideration of the possibility of ERGM linkage, a parametric approach and a non-parametric approach were used to recommend export-promising countries, respectively. In the parametric method, a regression analysis model was developed to predict the export value of the information and communication and home appliance industries in South Korea by additionally considering the link-specific characteristics of the network derived from the ERGM to the existing economic factors. Also, in the non-parametric approach, an abnormality detection algorithm based on the clustering method was used, and a promising export country was proposed as a method of finding outliers that deviate from two peers. According to the research results, the structural characteristic of the export network of the industry was a network with high transferability. Also, according to the centrality analysis result, South Korea's influence on exports was weak compared to its size, and the structural hole analysis result showed that export efficiency was weak. According to the model for recommending promising exporting countries proposed by this study, in parametric analysis, Iran, Ireland, North Macedonia, Angola, and Pakistan were promising exporting countries, and in nonparametric analysis, Qatar, Luxembourg, Ireland, North Macedonia and Pakistan were analyzed as promising exporting countries. There were differences in some countries in the two models. The results of this study revealed that the export competitiveness of South Korea's information and communication and home appliance industries in GVC was not high compared to the size of exports, and thus showed that exports could be further reduced. In addition, this study is meaningful in that it proposed a method to find promising export countries by considering GVC networks with other countries as a way to increase export competitiveness. This study showed that, from a policy point of view, the international trade network of the information communication and home appliance industries has an important mutual relationship, and although transferability is high, it may not be easily expanded to a three-party relationship. In addition, it was confirmed that South Korea's export competitiveness or status was lower than the export size ranking. This paper suggested that in order to improve the low out-degree centrality, it is necessary to increase exports to Italy or Poland, which had significantly higher in-degrees. In addition, we argued that in order to improve the centrality of out-closeness, it is necessary to increase exports to countries with particularly high in-closeness. In particular, it was analyzed that Morocco, UAE, Argentina, Russia, and Canada should pay attention as export countries. This study also provided practical implications for companies expecting to expand exports. The results of this study argue that companies expecting export expansion need to pay attention to countries with a relatively high potential for export expansion compared to the existing export volume by country. In particular, for companies that export daily necessities, countries that should pay attention to the population are presented, and for companies that export high-end or durable products, countries with high GDP, or purchasing power, relatively low exports are presented. Since the process and results of this study can be easily extended and applied to other industries, it is also expected to develop services that utilize the results of this study in the public sector.

우리나라의 주력 산업 중 하나였던 정보통신 및 가전 산업은 점차 수출 비중이 낮아지는 등 수출 경쟁력이 약화되고 있다. 본 연구는 이런 정보통신 및 가전 산업의 수출 제고를 돕기 위해서 객관적으로 수출경쟁력을 분석하고 수출 유망국가를 제시하고자 했다. 본 연구는 수출경쟁력 평가를 위해서 네트워크 분석 중 구조적 특징, 중심성 그리고 구조적 공백 분석을 수행했다. 유망 수출 국가를 선정하기 위해서는 기존에 경제적 요인 외에도 이미 형성된 글로벌 무역 네트워크(ITN) 즉 글로벌 밸류체인(GVC)의 특성을 고려할 수 있는 새로운 변수를 제안했다. 국가간 무역 네트워크 분석에서 Exponential Random Graph Model(ERGM)을 통해 도출된 개별적인 링크에 대한 조건부 로짓값(log-odds)을 수출가능성을 나타낼 수 있는 대리변수로 가정했다. 이런 ERGM의 링크 연결 가능성까지 고려해 수출 유망국가를 추천하는 데는 모수적 접근 방법과 비모수적 접근 방법을 각각 활용했다. 모수적 방법에서는 ERGM에서 도출된 네트워크의 링크별 특성값을 기존의 경제적 요인에 추가 고려하여 우리나라 정보통신 및 가전 산업 수출액을 예측하는 회귀분석 모형을 개발했다. 또한 비모수적 접근 방법에서는 클러스터링 방법을 바탕으로 한 Abnormality detection 알고리즘을 활용했는데, 2개 Peer(동배)에서 벗어난 이상값을 찾는 방법으로 수출 유망국가를 제안했다. 연구 결과에 따르면, 해당 산업 수출 네트워크의 구조적 특징은 이전성이 높은 연결망이었으며, 중심성 분석결과에 따르면 우리나라는 수출에 규모에 비해서 영향력이 약한 것으로 나타났고, 구조적 공백 분석결과에서 수출 효율성이 약한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구가 제안한 추천모델에 따르면 모수 분석에서는 이란, 아일랜드, 북마케도니아, 앙골라, 파키스탄이 유망 수출 국가로 나타났으며, 비모수 분석에서는 카타르, 룩셈부르크, 아일랜드, 북마케도니아, 파키스탄이 유망 국가로 분석되었으며, 분석방법에 따라 추천된 국가에서는 일부 차이가 나타났다. 본 연구결과는 GVC에서 우리나라 정보통신과 가전 산업의 수출경쟁력이 수출 규모에 비해서 높지 않음을 밝혔고, 따라서 수출이 더욱 감소될 수 있음을 보였다. 또한 본 연구는 이렇게 약화된 수출경쟁력을 높일 수 있는 방안으로 다른 국가들과의 GVC 네트워크까지 고려해 수출유망 국가를 찾는 방법을 제안했다는데 의의가 있다.



이 논문은 산업통상자원부(한국산업기술평가관리원, 20009398)의 글로벌데이터 분석기반 밸류체인 자동 생성 서비스 개발 과제의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임.


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