A Study on the Oral Health Literacy and Related Factors of Mother's in Some Areas: A 25% Comparison Study of the Upper and Lower Grades

  • Received : 2022.01.19
  • Accepted : 2022.02.21
  • Published : 2022.03.31


Background: This study compares and analyzes the degree of oral health information literacy by 25% for upper and lower grades to assess how differences in mothers' oral health information literacy affect infants' oral health behavior. Methods: The study surveyed 201 mothers with infants and children using a 36 question survey tool. Cross-analysis was conducted to determine the difference in oral health information literacy between the upper and the lower 25%. Results: Comparing 25% of the upper and lower grades of verbal oral health information literacy scores, the word with the most significant difference in the correct answer was resin. An item asking about the time to eat after fluoride varnish application showed the most significant difference in the correct answer on the functional oral health information literacy scale. Mothers' oral and functional oral health information literacy scores showed that verbal literacy was statistically significant for brushing guidance after children's meals, brushing guidance before children's bedtime, food intake restrictions before bedtime, and restrictions on consumption of cavity-inducing foods (p<0.05). Functional literacy was statistically significant in the post-brushing test of children and the correct brushing method map items (p<0.05). Conclusion: As a result of comparing and analyzing the upper and lower 25% of the mother's oral health information literacy, it was found that the mother's oral health information literacy affected the infant's oral health behavior. Therefore, systematic education is needed to raise literacy by grasping the level of oral health information literacy of mothers, and oral health education by level according to oral health information literacy should be developed.



This study was supported by research fund from Vision College of Jeonju, 2021.


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