Performance of integrated vertical raft-type WEC and floating breakwater

  • Tay, Zhi Yung (Engineering Cluster, Singapore Institute of Technology) ;
  • Lee, Luke (Engineering Cluster, Singapore Institute of Technology)
  • Received : 2021.10.01
  • Accepted : 2022.02.16
  • Published : 2022.03.25


Renewable energy such as wave energy has gained popularity as a means of reducing greenhouse gases. However, the high cost and lack of available sea space in some countries have hindered the deployment of wave energy converters (WEC) as alternative means of sustainable energy production. By combining WECs with infrastructures such as floating breakwaters or piers, the idea of electricity generated from WECs will be more appealing. This paper considers the integration of vertical raft-type WEC (commonly known as the vertical flap WEC) with floating breakwater as means to generate electricity and attenuate wave force in the tropical sea. An array of 25 WECs attached to a floating breakwater is considered where their performance and effect on the wave climate are presented. The effects of varying dimensions of the WEC and mooring system of the floating breakwater have on the energy generation are investigated. The integrated WECs and floating breakwater is subjected to both the regular and irregular waves in the tropical sea to assess the performance of the system. The result shows that the integrated vertical flap-floating breakwater system can generate a substantial amount of wave energy and at the same time attenuate the wave force effectively for the tropical sea when optimal dimensions of the WECs are used.



The authors are grateful to the resources provided by the MOE-SIT Strategic Initiative Grant (F-MOE-A204-G005).


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