Prevalence of dental implant positioning errors: A cross-sectional study

  • 투고 : 2022.04.01
  • 심사 : 2022.06.14
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Purpose: This study evaluated the prevalence of dental implant positioning errors and the most frequently affected oral regions. Materials and Methods: A sample was obtained of CBCT images of 590 dental implants from 230 individuals who underwent diagnosis at a radiology center using cone-beam computed tomography from 2017 to 2020. The following variables were considered: thread exposure, violation of the minimum distance between 2 adjacent implants and between the implant and tooth, and implant contact with anatomical structures. Descriptive data analysis and the Pearson chi-square test(P<0.05) were performed to compare findings according to mouth regions. Results: Most (74.4%) of the 590 implants were poorly positioned, with the posterior region of the maxilla being the region most frequently affected by errors. Among the variables analyzed, the most prevalent was thread exposure (54.7%), followed by implant contact with anatomical structures, violation of the recommended distance between 2 implants and violation of the recommended distance between the implant and teeth. Thread exposure was significantly associated with the anterior region of the mandible (P<0.05). The anterior region of the maxilla was associated with violation of the recommended tooth-implant distance (P<0.05) and the recommended distance between 2 adjacent implants(P<0.05). Implant contact with anatomical structures was significantly more likely to occur in the posterior region of the maxilla (P<0.05). Conclusion: Many implants were poorly positioned in the posterior region of the maxilla. Thread exposure was particularly frequent and was significantly associated with the anterior region of the mandible.



The authors thank Fabiane Corralo dos Santos and Maitê Piazza Willig for administrative support and providing us with data from the radiology laboratory (Radiolab, Passo Fundo, Brazil), Professor Caroline Solda, PhD and Leandro Cericato.


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