이 논문은 2021학년도 백석대학교 학술연구비 지원을 받아 작성되었음
- Y.i.Bae and H.R.Shin, "Shadow of the non-face-to-face era, digital alienation", Gyeonggi Research Institute, No.448, pp.1-21, 2021.
- J.Y.Yoon, S.H.Lee, "The Necessity of Service Design as Social Capital for the Class of Digital Divide -focused on the seniors' using the internet and their alienation from the internet-", The Treatise on The Plastic Media, Vol.14, No.4, pp.193-199, 2011
- K.Y.Song, Y.S.Kim and I.H.Jang, "Classification analysis of the underprivileged class according to digital divide using machine learning", Journal of the Korean Data And Information Science Sociaty, Vol.32. No.5, pp.1071-1083, 2021. https://doi.org/10.7465/jkdi.2021.32.5.1071
- W.S.Kang and H.S.Yang. "A Study on Efficient Policies of solving the Digital Divide for Weak Layers in the Smart Phone Convergence Era", Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol.10, No.1, pp.29-38, 2012. https://doi.org/10.14400/JDPM.2012.10.1.029
- https://blog.naver.com/wildcat-ljh/222631953993
- https://blog.naver.com/swf1004/222402314873
- https://blog.naver.com/ketri0wh/222643907048
- https://blog.naver.com/happykdic/222206244785
- https://blog.naver.com/redis12/222184167871
- https://blog.naver.com/mojb01/221700798830
- H.S.Lee, S.H.Lee, "A Study on the Relationship between Digital Informatization Level and Leisure Life Satisfaction of Low Income", Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol.16, No.11, pp.29-36, 2018. https://doi.org/10.14400/JDC.2018.16.11.029
- Comparison of Informatization Strategy of the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, Internet Use Intention Rate of the Elderly, 2007.
- Internet Policy Division, Network Policy Bureau, Korea Communications Commission, [Internet use rate by age], 2010
- S.Y.Kim and J.T.Jeong, "A Study on the Changes in Digital Perception of Information Vulnerable Class After COVID-19", Journal of Digital Convergence, Vol.19, No.12, 2021.
- https://blog.naver.com/moeblog/222340308993