Effect of using virtual reality simulation for CPR education in prehospital setting

심정지 현장에서 가상현실 시뮬레이션을 이용한 심폐소생술 교육 효과에 대한 연구

  • Eun-Ae, Kim (National fire Academy, National Fire Agency 119) ;
  • Jin-Kyung, Choi (National fire Academy, National Fire Agency 119) ;
  • Keun-Ja, Cho (Department of Emergency Medical Service, Kongju National University)
  • Received : 2022.10.31
  • Accepted : 2022.12.26
  • Published : 2022.12.31


Purpose: This study aims to provide essential data for developing educational methods and content, tailored for the prehospital field situation, by analyzing the effects of education regarding the management of cardiac arrest. Methods: This study is a primitive experimental study of 55 new firefighters in C Fire Service Academy. Data were collected from the training which was imparted using the CPR virtual reality simulation program (CBS 2.0) in accordance with COVID-19 quarantine rules and social distancing. Data were analyzed utilizing SPSS version 25.0. Results: After VR simulation training, knowledge about performing CPR (14.85) and self-efficacy (4.12) were significantly high (p<.001). Learning immersion was also high (3.99±0.59), but learning satisfaction was even higher (4.34±0.62). Depending on the recruitment field, firefighters showed higher learning immersion (4.04±0.58 vs 3.68±0.63) and self-efficacy (4.16±0.55 vs 3.91±0.84) than 119 EMTs' but, there was no significant difference between them. In contrast, The quality of performance of CPR by EMT's was significantly higher than that of firefighters (p=.025). Depending on previous simulation experience, there was no significant difference among dependent variables. Conclusion: Virtual reality simulation shows positive results in learning immersion, learning satisfaction, self-efficacy, and performance of CPR. Therefore, we propose that virtual reality simulation training can be a new educational paradigm.



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