A Study on Explainable Artificial Intelligence-based Sentimental Analysis System Model

  • Received : 2021.12.15
  • Accepted : 2021.12.27
  • Published : 2022.02.28


In this paper, a model combined with explanatory artificial intelligence (xAI) models was presented to secure the reliability of machine learning-based sentiment analysis and prediction. The applicability of the proposed model was tested and described using the IMDB dataset. This approach has an advantage in that it can explain how the data affects the prediction results of the model from various perspectives. In various applications of sentiment analysis such as recommendation system, emotion analysis through facial expression recognition, and opinion analysis, it is possible to gain trust from users of the system by presenting more specific and evidence-based analysis results to users.



This work was supported by the Semyung University Research Grant of 2021.


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