대학의 프로젝트기반 수업에서 팀 활동에 대한 동료평가와 자기평가의 특성 및 활용방안

Characteristics and Utilization of Peer-evaluation and Self-evaluation of Team Activities in University Project Based Classes

  • 조수선 (한국교통대학교 AI․데이터공학부)
  • Cho, Soosun (Department of AI and Data Science, Korea National University of Transportation)
  • 투고 : 2021.12.10
  • 심사 : 2022.01.18
  • 발행 : 2022.01.31


In this paper, the characteristics of peer-evaluation and self-evaluation of team activity participation in project-based learning and their usability were investigated. The characteristics of peer-evaluation and self-evaluation are as follows. First, in peer-evaluation and self-evaluation of project-based learning, the correlation between the two evaluation scores was very high. When students' scores from their peers correlate very well with the scores they give themselves, it means that they apply the same criteria to their peers and to themselves when evaluating team activity. Second, there was no difference in peer-evaluation and self-evaluation scores between groups with different written test scores. The fact that peer-evaluation and self-evaluation scores do not change according to academic ability shows that the two evaluation areas are independent. Third, the self-evaluation score in project-based learning is statistically significantly higher than the score received from peers. This raises doubts about the fairness of self-evaluation. Therefore, in this paper, it is suggested that self-evaluation of team activities in project-based learning is carried out together with peer-evaluation, but only peer-evaluation is reflected in credits.



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