The Preponderance of Indigenous Experience Or the Naivety of Modern Man over the "Trap of Nature"?: Juxtaposing Nature in The Story of Pao (Ngô Quang Hải) and Into the Wild (Sean Penn)

  • Le, Duong T. (Institute of Literature, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences)
  • 투고 : 2021.09.09
  • 심사 : 2022.01.15
  • 발행 : 2022.01.31


Derived from the juxtapositional model of Comparative Literature, this article analyzes two movies, The Story of Pao (Chuyện của Pao, directed by Ngô Quang Hải) and Into the Wild (directed by Sean Penn), using eco-criticism and focusing on two specific aspects: looking for the relationship between "culture" and "nature" and questioning the ideology that puts people at the center of the natural world. Specifically, the article points out similar tones in discovering and praising the beauty of nature, and at the same time, focuses on explaining the "disagreement" and "harmony" in behaviors of different communities towards Mother Nature in these two films. Finally, The Story of Pao and Into the Wild are both read as discourses that participate in the repositioning of human beings in the natural world. The purpose of juxtaposition, therefore, is to seek a new existential dimension for the works, providing an opportunity to uncover and reveal hidden layers of meaning of each text.



This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 602.06-2020.300.


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