Industry 4.0, Circular Economy, and Tourism

  • Alfonso Vargas-Sanchez ( Department of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Business Studies and Tourism Huelva University)
  • Received : 2021.02.13
  • Accepted : 2022.10.01
  • Published : 2022.10.31


This research is situated at the intersection between industry 4.0, circular economy and tourism, in an attempt to observe the fourth industrial revolution at the service of the application of circular economy principles in the tourism industry. This approach has gained importance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, which has accelerated fundamental dynamics of change linked to business digitization and environmental sustainability. Within the theoretical framework delimited by the aforementioned intersection, the 'goCircular Radar' project, launched by 'TheCircularLab', from Ecoembes (Spain), has been taken as an empirical reference. Among the 165 startups in the circular economy sector, special attention has been paid to those that are oriented, or have a potential application, to tourism. The activities they carry out are described, with particular attention to the technologies they use and their contribution to circularity.



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