초거대 인공지능 정책 변동과정에 관한 연구 : 옹호연합모형을 중심으로

A Study on the Process of Policy Change of Hyper-scale Artificial Intelligence: Focusing on the ACF

  • 투고 : 2022.07.25
  • 심사 : 2022.12.21
  • 발행 : 2022.12.31


Although artificial intelligence(AI) is a key technology in the digital transformation among the emerging technologies, there are concerns about the use of AI, so many countries have been trying to set up a proper regulation system. This study analyzes the cases of the regulation policies on AI in USA, EU and Korea with the aim to set up and improve proper AI policies and strategies in Korea. In USA, the establishment of the code of ethics for the use of AI is led by private sector. On the other side, Europe is strengthening competitiveness in the AI industry by consolidating regulations that are dispersed by EU members. Korea has also prepared and promoted policies for AI ethics, copyright and privacy protection at the national level and trying to change to a negative regulation system and improve regulations to close the gap between the leading countries and Korea in AI. Moreover, this study analyzed the course of policy changes of AI regulation policy centered on ACF(Advocacy Coalition Framework) model of Sabatier. Through this study, it proposes hyper-scale AI regulation policy recommendations for improving competitiveness and commercialization in Korea. This study is significant in that it can contribute to increasing the predictability of policy makers who have difficulties due to uncertainty and ambiguity in establishing regulatory policies caused by the emergence of hyper-scale artificial intelligence.



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