수소연료전지 자동차의 수소밸브용 알루미늄 합금의 저변형율인장실험에 의한 수소취화특성 연구

Hydrogen Embrittlement Characteristics by Slow Strain Rate Test of Aluminum Alloy for Hydrogen Valve of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle

  • 황현규 (목포해양대학교대학원) ;
  • 신동호 (목포해양대학교대학원) ;
  • 김성종 (목포해양대학교기관시스템공학부)
  • Hyun-Kyu, Hwang (Graduate school, Mokpo national maritime university) ;
  • Dong-Ho, Shin (Graduate school, Mokpo national maritime university) ;
  • Seong-Jong, Kim (Division of marine engineering, Mokpo national maritime university)
  • 투고 : 2022.12.09
  • 심사 : 2022.12.21
  • 발행 : 2022.12.30


As part of eco-friendly policies, interest in hydrogen vehicles is growing in the automotive industry to reduce carbon emissions. In particular, it is necessary to investigate the application of aluminum alloy for light weight hydrogen valves among hydrogen supply systems to improve the fuel efficiency of hydrogen vehicles. In this research, we investigated mechanical characteristics of aluminum alloys after hydrogen embrittlement considering the operating environment of hydrogen valves. In this investigation, experiments were conducted with strain rate, applied voltage, and hydrogen embrittlement time as variables that could affect hydrogen embrittlement. As a result, a brittle behavior was depicted when the strain rate was increased. A strain rate of 0.05 mm/min was selected for hydrogen embrittlement research because it had the greatest effect on fracture time. In addition, when the applied voltage and hydrogen embrittlement time were 5 V and 96 hours, respectively, mechanical characteristics presented dramatic decreases due to hydrogen embrittlement.



이 논문은 산업자원통상부 재원으로 한국산업기술진흥원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임(수소전기차용 고기밀 경량화 일체형 수소 밸브 모듈 개발).


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