Seismic vulnerability assessment of existing private RC constructions in northern Algeria

  • Belhamdi, Nourredine (Laboratoire de Genie de la Construction et Architecture (LGCA), Faculte de Technologie, Universite de Bejaia) ;
  • Kibboua, Abderrahmane (Department of Civil Engineering, National Earthquake Engineering Research Center CGS) ;
  • Tahakourt, Abdelkader (Laboratoire de Genie de la Construction et Architecture (LGCA), Faculte de Technologie, Universite de Bejaia)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.22
  • 심사 : 2021.07.15
  • 발행 : 2022.01.25


The RC private constructions represent a large part of the housing stock in the north part of Algeria. For various reasons, they are mostly built without any seismic considerations and their seismic vulnerability remains unknown for different levels of seismic intensity possible in the region. To support future seismic risk mitigation efforts in northern Algeria, this document assesses the seismic vulnerability of typical private RC constructions built after the Boumerdes earthquake (May 21, 2003) without considering existing seismic regulation, through the development of analytical fragility curves. The fragility curves are developed for four representative RC frames in terms of slight, moderate, extensive, and complete damage states suggested in HAZUS-MH 2.1, using nonlinear time history analyses. The numerical simulation of the nonlinear seismic response of the structures is performed using the SeismoStruct software. An original intensity measure (IM) is proposed and used in this study. It is the zone acceleration coefficient "A", through which the seismic hazard level is represented in the Algerian Seismic Regulations. The efficiency, practicality, and proficiency of the choice of IM are demonstrated. Incremental dynamic analyses are conducted under fifteen ground motion accelerograms compatible with the elastic target spectrum of the Algerian Seismic Regulations. In order to cover all the seismic zones of northern Algeria, the accelerograms are scaled from 0.1 to 2.5 in increments of 0.1. The results mainly indicate that private constructions built after the Boumerdes earthquake in the moderate and high seismic zones with four (04) or more storeys are highly vulnerable.



The authors would like to acknowledge the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) researchers for compiling the NGA ground-motion database and making it available to the public.


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