• 투고 : 2020.09.24
  • 심사 : 2021.09.07
  • 발행 : 2022.01.31


In the present paper, we aim to study Yamabe soliton and Riemann soliton on Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold. First, we proved, if the scalar curvature of an 𝜂-Einstein Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold M is constant, then either 𝜏 = n(n-1) or, 𝜏 = n-1. Also we constructed an example to justify this. Next, it is proved that, if a three dimensional Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold admits a Yamabe soliton for V is an infinitesimal contact transformation and tr 𝜑 is constant, then the soliton is expanding. Also we proved that, suppose a 3-dimensional Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold admits a Yamabe soliton, if tr 𝜑 is constant and scalar curvature 𝜏 is harmonic (i.e., ∆𝜏 = 0), then the soliton constant λ is always greater than zero with either 𝜏 = 2, or 𝜏 = 6, or λ = 6. Finally, we proved that, if an 𝜂-Einstein Lorentzian para-Sasakian manifold M represents a Riemann soliton for the potential vector field V has constant divergence then either, M is of constant curvature 1 or, V is a strict infinitesimal contact transformation.



The first author (Shruthi Chidananda) is thankful to University Grants Commission, New Delhi, India (Ref. No.: 1019/(ST)(CSIR-UGC NET DEC. 2016) for financial support in the form of UGC-Junior Research Fellowship. The author also thankful to DST, New Delhi, for providing financial assistance under FIST programme.


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