This study is a partial summary of the 2021 master's degree report at Dankook University.
- J. M. Cho & H. Yoo. (2008). A Study on the Image Communication of Military Style in 20th Century. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 32(8), 1309-1321. UCI : G704-000029.2008.32.8.009 https://doi.org/10.5850/JKSCT.2008.32.8.1309
- B. R. Nam. (2019). War and Fashion. Seoul : wiseplan. p.5.
- S. Y. Kim. (2006). Characteristics on the military look in modern fashion. Family and Environment Research, 44(9), 41-50 p.42. UCI : G704-000012.2006.44.9.002
- Online dictionary Dupedia. (2021). militarylook. https://terms.naver.com/entry.naver?docId=1169195&cid=40942&categoryId=32087
- C. J. Kim & M. K. Ro. (2018). Styling Comparison of Military Look Appeared on Street Fashion of Korea and Overseas, Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 68(1), 14.-29, p16. DOI : 10.7233/jksc.2018.68.1.014
- J. M. Cho & H. Yoo. (2008). A Study o.n the Image Communication of Military Style in 20th Century. Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, 32(8), 1309-1321. UCI : G704-000029.2008.32.8.009 https://doi.org/10.5850/JKSCT.2008.32.8.1309
- M. J. Kim, H. S. Choi, H. Y. Kim, J. S. Ha, S. H. Choi & H. J. Go. (2010). WESTERN FASHION MULTI-CONTENTS. Gyeonggi : Kyomunsa.
- S. Y. Kim. (2006). Characteristics on the military look in modern fashion. Family and Environment Research, 44(9), 41-50 p.42. UCI : G704-000012.2006.44.9.002
- Y. O. Kim, S. K. An & S. H. Cho. (2009). Understanding of Western Costume for Fashion Design. Seoul : Gyeongchunsa, P.266.
- S. J. Han. (1999). A Study on the Street Fashion of Military Look. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 44(44). 19-36, p.21.
- S. J. Han. (1999). A Study on the Street Fashion of Military Look. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 44(44). 19-36, p.21.
- S. Y. Kim. (2006). Characteristics on the military look in modern fashion. Family and Environment Research, 44(9), 41-50 p.43. UCI : G704-000012.2006.44.9.002
- Y. O. Kim, S. K. An & S. H. Cho. (2009). Understanding of Western Costume for Fashion Design. Seoul : Gyeongchunsa, P.286.
- M. J. Kim, H. S. Choi, H. Y. Kim, J. S. Ha, S. H. Choi & H. J. Go. (2010). WESTERN FASHION MULTI-CONTENTS. Gyeonggi : Kyomunsa, pp.426-427.
- R. H. Byeon. (2012) A study on semantic analysis of military look before.after 1990. Master's thesis. Seoul National Universicy, Seoul. p.73.
- M. J. Kim, H. S. Choi, H. Y. Kim, J. S. Ha, S. H. Choi & H. J. Go. (2010). WESTERN FASHION MULTI-CONTENTS. Gyeonggi : Kyomunsa. p.454.
- J. Y. Kim. (1997). A study on military fashion. Master's thesis. Ewha Womans University, Seoul. p.53.
- J. Y. Kim. (1997). A study on military fashion. Master's thesis. Ewha Womans University, Seoul. p.53.
- Y. O. Kim, S. K. An & S. H. Cho. (2009). Understanding of Western Costume for Fashion Design. Seoul : Gyeongchunsa, p.317.
- S. J. Han. (1999). A Study on the Street Fashion of Military Look. Journal of the Korean Society of Costume, 44(44). 19-36, p.21.
- Gerda Buxbaum, K. S. Geum, H. N. Nam, H. S. Pack & J. S. Huh. (2009). ICONS of FASHION THE 20THCENTURY. Seoul : Art and culture. p.198.
- J. M. Kim. (2013). A Study on the Military Look in Contemporary Fashion. Fashion & Textile Research Journal, 15(6), 862-873, p.865. https://doi.org/10.5805/SFTI.2013.15.6.862
- Standard Korean Dictionary of the National Institute of Korean Language. (2021). change. https://stdict.korean.go.kr/search/searchView.do
- B. R. Nam. (2019). War and Fashion. Seoul : wiseplan. p.71.
- B. R. Nam. (2019). War and Fashion. Seoul : wiseplan. p.20.
- S. Y. Kim. (2006). Characteristics on the military look in modern fashion. Family and Environment Reseach, 44(9), 41-50 p.42. UCI : G704-000012.2006.44.9.002