The effectiveness of position of coupled beam with respect to the floor level

  • Yasser Abdal Shafey, Gamal (Department of Civil Engineering, High Institute of Engineering Technology) ;
  • Lamiaa K., Idriss (Department of Civil Engineering, Sphinx university)
  • Received : 2022.04.15
  • Accepted : 2022.10.17
  • Published : 2022.12.25


In spite of extensive testing of the individual shear wall and the coupling beam (CB), numerical and experimental researches on the seismic behavior of CSW are insufficient. As far as we know, no previous research has investigated the affectations of position of CB regarding to the slab level (SL). So, the investigation aims to enhance an overarching framework to examine the consequence of connection positions between CB and SL. And, three cases have been created. One is composed of the floor slab (FS) at the top of the CB (FSTCB); the second is created with the FS within the panel depth (FSWCB), and the third is employed with the FS at the bottom of the CB (FSLCB). And, FEA is used to demonstrate the consequences of various CB positions with regard to the SL. Furthermore, the main measurements of structure response that have been investigated are deformation, shear, and moment in a coupled beam. Additionally, wall elements are used to simulate CB. In addition, ABAQUS software was used to figure out the strain distribution, shear stress for four stories to further understand the implications of slab position cases on the coupled beam rigidity. Overall, the findings show that the position of the rigid linkage among the CB and the FS can affect the behavior of the structures under seismic loads. For all structural heights (4, 8, 12 stories), the straining actions in FSWCB and FSLCB were less than those in FSTCB. And, the increases in displacement time history response for FSWCB are around 16.1-81.8%, 31.4-34.7%, and 17.5% of FSTCB.



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