Comparative Analysis of Spatial Distribution of Rural Living Service Facilities and Depopulation Areas

농촌 생활서비스 시설 분포와 인구감소지역의 비교분석

  • Choi, Jinah (Rural Environment&Resources Division, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Kim, Sangbum ;
  • Kim, Suyeon ;
  • Cho, Hansol
  • 최진아 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과) ;
  • 김상범 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과) ;
  • 김수연 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과) ;
  • 조한솔 (국립농업과학원 농촌환경자원과)
  • Received : 2022.10.04
  • Accepted : 2022.11.20
  • Published : 2022.11.25


The purpose of this study is to derive implications by comparing the spatial distribution of each service facility per unit population(1,000 people) with population decline areas. For this purpose, major concepts such as living infrastructure services, Spatial Distribution of Rural Living Service Facilities, areas of declining population, and regional extinction were reviewed and trends in prior research. Based on the literature review, 'Spatial Distribution of Rural Living Service Facilities' analysis criteria were set, and it was derived by 'the number of facilities per 1,000 population by township' using population data and rural space data. And the trend of each service sector was identified and implications were derived with 89 cities and counties in 'depopulation areas' suggested by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security. The derived implications are as follows. In the medical, leisure, and sports infrastructure sectors, 'rural areas with few service facilities per unit population' and 'depopulated areas' tended to coincide. In addition, the distribution characteristics of rural and urban areas differed by sector, which is judged to depend on the inclusion of rural facilities and population density.



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