New execution model for CAPE using multiple threads on multicore clusters

  • Do, Xuan Huyen (Information Technology Department, University of Sciences, Hue University) ;
  • Ha, Viet Hai (Office for STIC, University of Education, Hue University) ;
  • Tran, Van Long (Technology and Business Department, Phu Xuan University) ;
  • Renault, Eric (LIGM, University Gustave Eiffel, CNRS, ESIEE Paris)
  • 투고 : 2020.05.22
  • 심사 : 2020.10.22
  • 발행 : 2021.10.01


Based on its simplicity and user-friendly characteristics, OpenMP has become the standard model for programming on shared-memory architectures. Checkpointing-aided parallel execution (CAPE) is an approach that utilizes the discontinuous incremental checkpointing technique (DICKPT) to translate and execute OpenMP programs on distributed-memory architectures automatically. Currently, CAPE implements the OpenMP execution model by utilizing the DICKPT to distribute parallel jobs and their data to slave machines, and then collects the results after executing these distributed jobs. Although this model has been proven to be effective in terms of performance and compatibility with OpenMP on distributed-memory systems, it cannot fully exploit the capabilities of multicore processors. This paper presents a novel execution model for CAPE that utilizes two levels of parallelism. In the proposed model, we add another level of parallelism in the form of multithreaded processes on slave machines with the goal of better exploiting their multicore CPUs. Initial experimental results presented near the end of this paper demonstrate that this model provides significantly enhanced CAPE performance.



We would like to express our sincere thanks to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam for funding this research.


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