Domestic Smart Aqua-farming Technology

국내 스마트양식 기술 동향

  • Published : 2021.10.01


A stable protein source is required to support the rapidly increasing global population, and fishery products are a particularly important part of the required protein supply. However, due to continued overfishing, fishery resources are depleted, and the number of fish caught by fishing boats has stagnated. Consequently, the aquaculture industry is becoming increasingly important. Internationally, smart aquaculture technology that minimizes labor and environmental pollution has been established through technological developments supported by large investments in automation and water treatment technology over the last several decades. In the case of Korea, the aquaculture industry has not yet emerged as a labor-intensive primary industry. However, in recent years various attempts have been made to apply ICT technology to aquaculture to overcome these problems. In this study, domestic and foreign technologies and patent trends for smart aquaculture are analyzed. In addition, the current status of the smart aquaculture cluster business that the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries has been promoting since 2019 to utilize ICT technology in aquaculture is introduced.



본 연구는 강원도의 '빅데이터 기반 강원형 스마트양식장 구축(R&D) 기본 및 세부추진계획 수립' 용역[친환경 미래형 스마트 연어양식 시스템 구축사업]의 일환으로 수행하였음.


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