이 논문은 2021년 과학기술정보통신부의 재원으로 정보통신기획평가원의 지원을 받아 수행된 연구임[No. 2021-0-00715, 종단 간 초정밀 네트워크 기술 개발].
- ETRI, "6G Insight-비전과 기술," 2020. 11. 30.
- ITU-T FG-NET2030, "Network 2030-A blueprint of technology, applications and market drivers towards the year 2030 and beyond," May 2019.
- ITU-T FG-NET2030, "New services and capabilities for network 2030: Description, technical gap and performance target analysis," Oct. 2019.
- ITU-T FG-NET2030, "Representative use cases and key network requirements for network 2030," Jan. 2020.
- IEEE, "IEEE Std 802.1Q-2018: Bridges and bridged networks," 2018. 5.
- IEEE, "IEEE Std 802.1AS-2020: Timing and synchronization for time-sensitive applications," 2020. 1.
- IEEE, "Focus on the time-sensitive networking task group," 2017. 5.
- 강태규 외, "제4차 산업혁명 시대를 위한 초저지연 네트워킹 기술 동향," 전자통신동향분석, 제34권 제6호, 2019. 12.
- IEEE, "IEEE Std 802.1CB-2017: Frame replication and elimination for reliability," 2017. 9.
- IEEE, "IEEE Std 802.1Qcc-2018: Stream reservation protocol (SRP) enhancements and performance improvements," 2018. 6.
- 강태규, "Time-sensitive networking (TSN) 표준기술 동향분석서," 산업융합네트워크포럼, 2020. 11.
- IETF, RFC 8655, "Deterministic networking architecture," 2019. 10.
- IETF, draft, "Deterministic networking (DetNet) configuration YANG model," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet Bounded Latency," 2021. 4.
- IETF, RFC 8939, "Deterministic networking (DetNet) data plane: IP," 2020. 11.
- IETF, RFC 8964, "Deterministic networking (DetNet) data plane: MPLS," 2021. 1.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: IP over MPLS," 2020. 10.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: MPLS over UDP/IP," 2020. 12.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: IP over IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: MPLS over IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking (TSN)," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: IEEE 802.1 Time Sensitive Networking over MPLS," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "Large-Scale Deterministic IP Network," 2020. 3.
- IETF, draft, "Micro-burst Decreasing in Layer3 Network for Low-Latency Traffic," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "DetNet data plane: IEEE 802.1 Time sensitive networking over SRv6," 2021. 4.
- IETF, draft, "Segment Routed Time Sensitive Networking," 2021. 2.
- IETF, draft, "Deterministic networking (DetNet): packet ordering function," 2021. 4.
- ETSI, "Fifth generation fixed network(F5G); F5G generation definition release #1," ETSI GR F5G 001 V.1.1.1, 2020. 12.
- ETSI, "Fifth generation fixed network(F5G); F5G Use Cases Release #1," ETSI GR F5G 002 V.1.1.1, 2021. 2.
- ETSI, "NGP Next Generation Protocol; Packet Routing Technologies," ETSI GR NGP 003 V1.1.1, 2017. 3.
- ETSI, "Next generation protocols (NGP); Flexilink: Efficient deterministic packet forwarding in user plane for NGP; Packet formats and forwarding mechanisms," ETSI GS NGP 013 V1.1.1, 2018. 9.
- ETSI, "Non-IP networking (NIN); Flexilink network model," ETSI GR NIN 003 V.1.1.1, 2021. 3.