AI 챗봇 '이루다' 논란의 이슈 변화와 시사점

Identifying Issue Changes of AI Chatbot 'Iruda' Case and Its Implications

  • 발행 : 2021.04.01


The controversy over Artificial Intelligence (AI) chatbot "Iruda," which suspended its service 20 days after its launch, can be seen as the first case to inform the public of AI ethics issues. Based on this context, this study examines the controversy and social semantic formation of "Iruda" service cases using news topic modeling techniques. 963-news articles were used for the analysis, and the event's duration was analyzed based on major events, such as service start, controversy, and suspension, to understand the progress. From the analyses results, we obtain major keywords and a total of 16 topics (5, 4, 7) from the period. Finally, the implications for the development and utilization of AI services obtained through this controversy were discussed based on the analysis results.



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