Managing Employee Work Stress using Health Psychology

  • DO, Hee-Jung (Alternative Medical Program, Jeon Ju University)
  • Received : 2021.07.23
  • Accepted : 2021.09.15
  • Published : 2021.12.30


Purpose - Work stress environment is expanding alongside the speed of worldwide change and psychological well-being concerns are coming about because pressure over-burden can bring about lost workdays, lower representative usefulness, and high occupation turnover rates. For this reason, this study investigates to provide how practitioners can manage employee work stress using health psychology based on prior studies. Research design, Data, and methodology - Qualitative textual research involves collecting and analyzing various non-numeric data to establish different concepts or opinions in prior literature. That means that the present researcher carried out qualitative research in multiple ways, investigating many kinds of previous textual data, such as prior published peer-reviewed resources and case studies analysis. Result - The results revealed that directed symbolism has been displayed to improve prosperity and tranquility among employees with an assortment of persistent infections. Like diaphragmatic breathing, reflection practices consolidate zeroing in on a particular article or sensation (like breathing) while at the same time separating from other distracters and controlling inward encounters (for example, feelings, musings) through non-critical acknowledgment. Conclusion - This research proposes that intellectual rebuilding or figuring out how to perceive maladaptive musings and change them to reflect more versatile; judicious idea examples can fundamentally further develop temperament, diminish pressure, and reduction negative feelings for employees.



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