D2C(Direct-to-Consumer) 기반 루이비통 모바일 앱에 나타난 뉴 럭셔리(New Luxury) 특성

Characteristics of New Luxury in Louis Vuitton's D2C-Based Mobile Application

  • 김미경 (성균관대학교 디자인대학원) ;
  • 임은혁 (성균관대학교 의상학과)
  • Kim, Mikyung (Graduate School of Design, Sungkyunkwan University) ;
  • Yim, Eunhyuk (Dept. of Fashion Design, Sungkyunkwan University)
  • 투고 : 2021.04.14
  • 심사 : 2021.09.05
  • 발행 : 2021.10.31


In addition to direct sales to consumers, the direct-to-consumers (D2C) strategy, which provides specialized experiences and services, communicates closely with a consumer's perspective. This tendency is related to the recent trend wherein the luxury fashion system is being transformed into a new luxury. Therefore, this study analyzes the development of online D2C platforms and investigates the characteristics of new luxury from the functional, symbolic, and experiential dimension perspectives based on mobile apps, which is becoming increasingly important among online D2C platforms. Based on the study results, the premium of new luxury fashion displayed in Louis Vuitton's mobile D2C platform in terms of product utility and functionality is newly defined as a usable luxury experience. Moreover, from the heritage perspective, based on the cultural sympathy of the brand contents, we determine that an attachment can be formed between new luxury fashion consumers and brands. Additionally, the personalization service and experiential content on the D2C platform can directly afford emotional and bonding induced brand immersion in a playful way.



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