이 연구는 2021년도 광주대학교 대학 연구비의 지원을 받아 수행되었음.
- K. Sternberg, "Working with identities-promoting student teachers; professional development", University of Helsinki, Research Report, pp321, 2011.
- B-K, Cho, E-J, Baik and Y-M, Go, " Early childhood teacher education" Paju: YangSeoWon, 2018.
- J. Gorrell and Y-S. Hwang, 'A study of efficacy among preservice teachers in korea', Journal of Research and Development in Education, Vol.28, no.2, pp.101-105, 1995.
- H-S. Kim, 'The Mediating Effects of Ego-Resilience on the Relationship Between Personal Teaching Efficacy and Problem-Solving Style -Focused on Future Teachers of the Department of Early Childhood Education', Early Chilhood Education Research & Review, Vol.15, no.1, pp.533-544, 2011.
- S-K. Yoo, 'Development and application of mentoring practice program for professional improvement of preservice preschool teachers', Ph, D Thesis, Pusan University, 2010.
- H-Y. Kang, H-A. Seo and S-J. Eom, "The Effect of Early Childhood Pre-service Teachers' Anger-Expression and Ego-Resilience on Teaching Efficacy", Journal of the Korea Convergence Society, Vol.9, no.10, pp293-302, 2018.
- S-M. Son, "The comparison of the mathematics teaching efficacy and mathematics teaching anxiety between elementary pre-service teachers and in-service teachers", Master's Thesis, Seoul National University of Education, 2018.
- E-J. Lee, "The Effects of Emotional Regulation Ability, Ego-Resilience and Teacher-Efficacy of Early Childhood Pre-Service Teachers on Their Teaching Aptitude and Personality", Ph.D Thesis, Dong-A University, 2018.
- J. Mayer and P. Salovey, "What is emotional intelligence? Emotional development and emotional intelligence: Educational implications", New York: Basic Books, 1997.
- E. Klohnen, 'Conceptual analysis and measurement of the construct of ego-resiliency', J Pers Psychol, Vol.70, no.5, pp.1067-1079, 1996.
- M. Zembylas, "Teaching with emotion: A postmodern enactment. Greenwich", CT: Information Age Publishing, 2005.
- Z. Veselska, A. Geckowva, O. Orosova, B. Gajdosova, J. van Dijk and S. Reijneveld, 'Self-esteem and resilience: The connection with risky behavior among adolescents', J of Addict behav, Vol34, pp287-291, 2009.
- L. Enchos and I. Riggs, 'Further development of an elementary science teaching efficacy belief instrument: A preservice elementary scale', School Science and Mathematics, Vol.90, no.8, pp.694-706, 1990.
- B-K. Cho, E-J. Baik and Y-M. Go, "Scholarships to help early childhood teachers develop" Seoul: YangSeoWon, 2001.
- C-H. Chung, 'The Relationship Between Teachers' Mathematics Teaching-Efficacy and Children's Mathematical Thinking Skills', The Journal of Korea Open Association for Childhood Education, Vol6, no3, pp97-116, 2001.
- C. Wong, C and K. Law, "The effects of leader and follower emotional intelligence on performance and attitude: An exploratory study", The Leadership Quarterly, Vol13, pp243-274, 2002.
- Y-S. Kang, "Relationships between teachers' personality traits and emotional intelligence and students' satisfaction with their teacher", Master's Thesis, Chungnam National University, 2007.
- H-J. Cho and S-Y. Kim, "The Mediating Effect of Emotional Intelligence on the Relationship between Child-care Teachers Job Stress and Their Burnout", The Journal of Korea Open Association for Childhood Education, Vol.16, no.6, pp.231-247, 2011.
- S-B. Choi, "The relationships between resilience, teacher efficacy, and job satisfaction in early childhood teachers.", Master's Thesis of woosuk University, 2016.
- S-H. Lee, "The Impact of Self-Esteem and Resilience of Teachers on the Interpersonal Competency in Childhood Education Environment", Master's Thesis, Dongguk University, 2018.
- M-M. Kim, "The Relationship among Emotional Intelligence, Teacher Efficacy, and Burnout for Special Education Teacher", Master's Thesis, Chungbuk University, 2014.
- Y-Y. Cho, "Impact of Decision-Making Involvement and Emotional Intelligence on Teacher Efficacy in Early Childhood Teachers", Ph.D Thesis, CatholicKwandong University, 2014.
- E-J. Hwang, "The Effects of emotional intelligence and communication competence of early childhood teachers on teacher efficacy", Ph.D Thesis, Catholic University, 2015.
- S-J. Oh and E-J. Park, 'The Effect of Emotional Intelligence and Motivations for Choosing the Teaching Profession on the Self-Efficacy of Pre-Service Early Childhood Teachers', Journal of Child Welfare and Development, Vol.3, no.2, pp.79-97, 2015.
- J-H. Lee, "A Study on the Relationship among Special School Teachers' Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Resilience", Ph.D Thesis, Dankuk University, 2012.
- J-H. Lee, H-W. Lee and J-K. Yoo, 'The Analysis of the effects between early childhood teachers' perceived emotional intelligence, their self-efficacy, and emotional labor in early childhood setting', Early Chilhood Education & Care, Vol.5 no.2, pp.117-136, 2010.
- Y-J. Chang, "The Effects of Teachers' Emotional Quotient and Ego-resilience on the Teachers' Efficacy", Master's Thesis, Suwon University, 2014.
- J. Ciarrochi, J. Forgas and J. Mayer, "Emotional intelligence in everyday life (2nd ed.)", Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press, 2005.
- E. Deniz and H. Hulya, 'Preschool teacher candidates' self-efficacy beliefs regarding science teaching lesson and opinions about science', Elementary Education Online, Vol.7, no.2, pp.456-467, 2008.
- K-S. Chung and E-A. Choi, 'Influence of child care teachers' interpersonal job stress and social support from peers on awareness of the educational community', The Journal of Eco Early Childhood Education & Care, Vol.18, no.3, pp.23-48, 2019.
- J-E. Kwon, "The relation of ego-resilience, parent and peer attachment, and problem-solving", Master's Thesis, Ehwa University, 2002.
- A. Bandura, "Self-efficacy The exercise of control", NY: Freeman & Company, 1997.