Self-Supervised Long-Short Term Memory Network for Solving Complex Job Shop Scheduling Problem

  • Shao, Xiaorui (Department of Information System, Pukyong National University) ;
  • Kim, Chang Soo (Department of Information System, Pukyong National University)
  • 투고 : 2021.03.14
  • 심사 : 2021.06.10
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


The job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) plays a critical role in smart manufacturing, an effective JSSP scheduler could save time cost and increase productivity. Conventional methods are very time-consumption and cannot deal with complicated JSSP instances as it uses one optimal algorithm to solve JSSP. This paper proposes an effective scheduler based on deep learning technology named self-supervised long-short term memory (SS-LSTM) to handle complex JSSP accurately. First, using the optimal method to generate sufficient training samples in small-scale JSSP. SS-LSTM is then applied to extract rich feature representations from generated training samples and decide the next action. In the proposed SS-LSTM, two channels are employed to reflect the full production statues. Specifically, the detailed-level channel records 18 detailed product information while the system-level channel reflects the type of whole system states identified by the k-means algorithm. Moreover, adopting a self-supervised mechanism with LSTM autoencoder to keep high feature extraction capacity simultaneously ensuring the reliable feature representative ability. The authors implemented, trained, and compared the proposed method with the other leading learning-based methods on some complicated JSSP instances. The experimental results have confirmed the effectiveness and priority of the proposed method for solving complex JSSP instances in terms of make-span.


1. Introduction

The job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) plays a vital role in the process of building a smart factory regarding intelligent manufacturing [1][2], resource supplying [3][4], and cost-saving [5]. It is a continuous process-making problem, in which the scheduling arranges each job at each subphase sequentially for finding one optimal solution to minimize the make-span of the whole production. The solution space of one huge JSSP will increase exponentially. Especially for one 𝑚×𝑛 JSSP (where is the number of machines, and is the number of the jobs), the solution space is (n!)m[6][7], which is known as NP-hard [8].

Many methods have been proposed to solve this challenging task, which could be divided into three categories: population-based [5], gene-based [9], and learning-based methods. The population-based methods, including particle swarm optimization (PSO) [10], ant colony optimization (ACO), try to find the optimal solution for JSSP but are very time-consumption and resource-consumption, especially when meeting massive JSSP instances. To make a tradeoff between solution quality and computational cost, a near-optimal solution: gene-based methods are proposed and employed. E.g., Asadzadeh [10] improved the GA performance for JSSP by using an agent-based local search strategy. Kurdi et al. [11] proposed a new island model genetic algorithm (IMGA) to solve JSSP and verified their model on 52 JSSP instances. However, the current industry production environment is very complex and changing. Population-based, and gene-based methods require to repeat many iterations and update operations frequently, which takes a long time and is hardware-consumption.

Luckily, with the continuous and booming development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the learning-based method has been proposed and employed to solve complex JSSP and achieved great success [7][12]. The learning-based methods mainly treated a JSSP as one sub-classification problem, consisting of shallow learning and deep learning methods. The workflow of learning-based methods for solving JSSP, as shown in Fig. 1. Step 1 is to obtain the training samples by using other optimal solves such as GA and PSO; Step 3 is the key to ensure the accuracy of solving JSSP; Step 4, 5, and 6 are to solve one upcoming JSSP instance.

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Fig. 1. The learning-based method for solving the JSSP. The black line trains the model while the blue line is to solve the new JSSP instance.

Shallow learning-based methods for JSSP mainly include support vector machine (SVM) [13], random forest (RF) [14], and neural network (NN). Among them, NN has attracted various attention and been applied for JSSP in the last decades. E. g., Foo et al. [15] are the first to use NN for the JSSP. They treated the scheduling problem as one integer linear programming problem and utilized an improved Tank and Hopfield neural network model to solve JSSP. Gary et al. [6] used GA to generate the best solution and training samples, then they map those samples into operation, process time, remaining time, and machine load features as the input of NN to train the model. The comparative analysis proved the feasibility and scalability of the NN scheduler on more complex JSSP instances. However, shallow NN only extract the hidden patterns by using two or three hidden layers, which lose some critical information to predict the next action.

Deep learning [16] technology could extract more accurate and robust feature representations by increasing the hidden layers to achieve better performance. One of the most popular deep learning algorithm, convolutional neural network (CNN), has been applied to solve JSSP due it is capable of extracting most hidden representations from one-dimensional (1-D) sequence [17], two-dimensional (2-D) images [18], and three-dimensional video [19]. E. g., Zhao et al. [20] integrated GA and CNN to solve one 7×7 JSSP instance, in which GA is used for the optimization of sequence while CNN is used for extracting the features from the operation start times with a 1-D fixed sequence. Recently, Zang et al. [7] developed one 2-D CNN to extract the features from GA generated training samples, the results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed hybrid deep neural network scheduler (HDDNS) with various JSSP instances, where they defined ten variables as the inputs of the NN. Moreover, a cartesian product was applied to transform the 1-D regular data into a 2-D tensor to extract the rich features. Although 2-D CNN has obtained excellent results, it requires transforming the 1-D data into a 2-D tensor, which is very time-consumption and hardware-consumption. Moreover, it ignores some critical features with time steps because JSSP is an ongoing process-making problem. Therefore, the accuracy is still not satisfactory.

Another branch of learning-based methods for solving JSSP is reinforcement learning (RL), which select the next action with the highest score according to the Q table, a tuple records the states and corresponding action. RL has achieved a big success in the area of JSSP in [21][22][23]. However, RL meets the same issue to the population-based and gene-based methods: Q table is too large with a sizeable JSSP instance, which results in a long time and requires a massive memory. To address this shortcoming, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) [24], also known as deep Q network (DQN), have been proposed and applied for JSSP. In which deep learning technology is to extract the rich feature representations to forecast the next actions' score according to the Q table generated from the RL algorithm, the machine will execute the following action according to the particular policy. E. g., Mao et al. [25] applied DRL with one deep NN (DNN) structure to manage the resource of CPU and memory. Chen et al. [26] used DRL to process multi-resource and multi-job scheduling problems. They adopted CNN to extract feature representations of a dynamic production environment (CNN- DRL1). Moreover, Ye et al. [27] proposed a more complex DRL framework based on CNN for resource scheduling (CNN-DRL2). Lin et al. [28] offered a multi-class DQN with edge computing devices for JSSP. Liu et al. [2] proposed an actor-critic DRL framework for JSSP based on CNN. However, RL-based methods still need to update the Q table. They may fail to process the complex JSSP instance due to memory limitations in the real world.

The limitations of current methods for JSSP are summarized as follows. Conventional methods such as population-based and gene-based methods are time-consumption and resource-consumption for large JSSP instance. The shallow learning methods such as SVM, RF, and shallow NN cannot extract sufficient features to reflect the production environments. The CNN-based methods did not consider the influence of time steps in the dynamic production environments, so that the performance is still not satisfactory. Besides, it requires some extra transformation. Similar to the population-based methods, the RL-based methods cannot process the complex JSSP.

To overcome the limitations mentioned above, this paper developed a novel learning-based deep model named self-supervised LSTM [29] (SS-LSTM) for solving complex JSSP. In the proposed method, dual channels are employed to reflect the production environment altogether. Primarily, we defined 18 variables to reflect the detailed production states in the detail-level channel, and the K-means algorithm identifies the system-level state to reflect the system-level production states. LSTM extracted detail-level features are merged with the system-level feature for final classification. Furthermore, the self-supervised mechanism makes a trade-off between feature extraction and feature reconstruction. Consequently, the final features are the fusion of detail-level, system-level production states considering the influence of time steps, enabling the forecasting more accurately.

The main contributions of this manuscript are summarized as:

• To our best understanding, this paper is the first to use LSTM for complex JSSP within a self-supervised mechanism.

• A new framework SS-LSTM has been proposed to handle complex JSSP instance accurately and efficiently. Various comparative analysis has confirmed its effectiveness.

• Each component's effect has been analyzed through an ablation study.

• The proposed method has good robustness for solving JSSP.

The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 introduces some pre-knowledge, including JSSP, LSTM. Section 3 gives a detailed description of the proposed SS-LSTM for JSSP. In Section 4, we utilized different JSSP data sets to validate the proposed method's effectiveness, and various comparative studies are carried out. We discussed the proposed method for JSSP in Section 5. Section 6 conducted this manuscript and feature work.

2. Methodology

2.1 JSSP

The JSSP is to arrange multi-machines to process multi-jobs with satisfactory make-span and lowest cost. There are n jobs 𝐽={𝐽1, 𝐽2, …, 𝐽𝑛} arriving and to be processed by m machines 𝑀={𝑀1, 𝑀2, …, 𝑀𝑚}. Each job 𝐽𝑖 consists of n sub-operations, where 𝑂𝑖j denotes 𝐽th sub-operation of the job 𝐽𝑖. Any functional machines could process each sub-operation 𝑀𝑘 with processing time 𝑡ijk, which means that 𝑗th sub-operation of the job 𝐽𝑖 needs to be processed at the machine 𝑀𝑘 in time t. 𝑀𝑘 is the corresponding functional machine for sub-operation 𝑂𝑖j, selected from the 𝑀 machines, that is, 𝑀𝑘=𝑀𝑖j∈𝑀 . The whole process will end until arranging all sub-operations.

An 8 × 6 JSSP instance ( 𝑛=8, 𝑚=6 ) as illustrated in Fig. 2. The left is the job order 𝑂𝑖j table, which records the requiring machine 𝑘 to process each sub-operation 𝑂𝑖j. The right 8×6 is corresponding processing time 𝑡ijk, in which 𝑗th sub-operation of the job 𝐽𝑖 needs to be processed by machine 𝑘 with the given time. For instance, the red colour content in Fig. 2 represents sub-operation 𝑂11 needs to be processed by machine 6 with 15 units. The corresponding solution using GA, as shown in Fig. 3. The make-span is 222. Moreover, the example explained above under four constraints as defined follows:

Fig. 2. An 8 × 6 JSSP instance (𝑛 = 8, 𝑚 = 6). The left is the job order table, while the right is corresponding requiring processing time table.

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Fig. 3. The solution using GA for 8 × 6 JSSP instance (𝑛 = 8, 𝑚 = 6) with Gantt Chart.

Constrain 1: Each sub-operation only needs to be processed once at one particular machine.

Constrain 2: Each machine only can process one sub-operation at once.

Constrain 3: Each job has one specific order to process suboperations.

Constrain 4: The set-up times and transmission times are negligible.

The minimum make-span of a JSSP instance could be calculated by minimizing the maximum ending time 𝐶𝑚ax among all machines. Thus, our objective could be written as (1). 

\(\text { Objective }=\min \left(C_{\max }\right)\)       (1)

2.2 LSTM

LSTM is a special kind of recurrent neural network (RNN) [30] developed to solve long-time dependency problems caused by conventional RNN through three gate-like components: input gate 𝑖t, forgot gate 𝑓𝑡, and output gate 𝑂𝑡, as shown in Fig. 4. It has been utilized for speech recognition [31], power forecasting [30], and mixed modulation recognition [32] due to its excellent memory function. Especially, forgot gate decides what information should be deleted from previous hidden output ℎ𝑡−1 by using (2). Where σ is the sigmoid function, 𝑤𝑓 is weight, 𝑥𝑡 is the input value at time t, bis the bias vector. On the contrary, the input information depends on the input gate 𝑖t, as described in (3). Same as above, the output gate 𝑂𝑡 decides 𝑥𝑡 which part could be output for the next step by using (4). \(\bar{C}_{t}\) will control the middle states of the LSTM cell according to the previous hidden output ℎ𝑡−1 and current input value 𝑥𝑡 through (5). The final states 𝐶𝑡 of the LSTM cell is controlled by the blue belt, which integrates the new and useful information and deletes some old and noise meaningless information, as described in (6). Where \(*\) is element-wise operation. Moreover, the hidden output could obtain from (7) for the next LSTM cell. In the real application, one LSTM layer consists of several LSTM cells connected in a chain-like mode. Using those LSTM layers, we could extract rich hidden features with long-time dependency for forecasting. It is very suitable for JSSP because it is an ongoing problem and is influenced by the time steps.

\(f_{t}=\sigma\left(w_{f} h_{t-1}+w_{f} x_{t}+b_{f}\right)\)       (2)

\(i_{t}=\sigma\left(w_{i} h_{t-1}+w_{i} x_{t}+b_{i}\right)\)       (3)

\(o_{t}=\sigma\left(w_{o} h_{t-1}+w_{o} x_{t}+b_{o}\right)\)       (4)

\(\bar{C}_{t}=\tanh \left(w_{c} h_{t-1}+w_{c} x_{t}+b_{c}\right)\)       (5)

\(C_{t}=f_{t} * C_{t-1}+i_{t} * \bar{C}_{t}\)       (6)

\(h_{t}=o_{t} * \tanh \left(C_{t}\right)\)       (7)

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Fig. 4. The structure of LSTM, including three gates: input gate , output gate , and forgot gate The control belt marked with blue colour controls the whole information flow.

3. The Proposed SS-LSTM for JSSP

The proposed SS-LSTM has dual channels: detailed-level and system-level channels, as shown in Fig. 5. The detailed-level channel records 18 detailed production states, while the system level channel is for system-level states. Furthermore, it consists of five steps: constructing the input sates, detailed-level feature extraction, system-level feature construction, feature fusion and self-supervised learning, output the targe and update the network, respectively. A detailed description of each part is introduced in the following section.

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Fig. 5. The proposed SS-LSTM structure for solving JSSP.

3.1 Constructing the Input States

As introduced in Fig. 1, the first step for JSSP is using deep learning technology to generate solutions with some optimal solutions. In the proposed framework, we utilized GA to generate the solutions and corresponding training samples, including input features and labels (corresponding to Step 2 in Fig. 1). The proposed SS-LSTM defined 18 productions states to fully reflect the detail-level states when generate the solution using GA, as shown in Table 1. The corresponding label is generated by using algorithm 1, which selects the machine's priority as the label. By using algorithm 1, one 𝐽×𝑀 JSSP instance would be converted into an M- classification problem.

Table 1. Construting18 detailed-level states

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Furthermore, the input is formalized as (8) for continues analysis. Notice, one sample from corresponds to one label.

\(\text { Input }=\left[\frac{J_{\text {phase }}}{J}, \frac{k}{n}, \ldots, O_{i, j}\right]\)       (8)

Algorithm 1: Labels generation algorithm

3.2 Detailed-level Feature Extraction

To extract the more abstract and robust hidden patterns for the next action prediction, the proposed SS-LSTM applies two stacked LSTM layer to extract rich feature representations considering the impact on time step in the detailed-level channel, as shown in (9). Where is LSTMO is LSTM operation. The reason for using two LSTM layers is to make a trade-off between feature extraction and saving time due to LSTM operation is time-consumption. 𝐿𝐿𝐿𝐿𝑇𝑇𝑀𝑀()

\(\text { Features }_{\text {detail }}=\operatorname{LSTM}(\operatorname{LSTM}(\text { Input }))\)       (9)

3.3 System-level Feature Construction

The previous step has extracted rich detailed-level features. The proposed method adopts the algorithm to identify the system-level feature representations to enhance the feature representative capability again, as defined in (10). Where the input samples will be divided into several classes to reflect the system-level production states, Kmeans() is the k-means algorithm.

\(\text { Features }_{\text {system }}=\text { Kmeans }(\text { Input })\)       (10)

3.4 Feature Fusion and Self-supervised Learning

To get the fusion features of detailed-level features and system-level features, this manuscript adopts one concatenate layer to combine them, as described in (11). Therefore, the features include the detailed-level and system-level states hidden patterns considering the influence of time steps.

\(\text { Features }=\text { Concatenate }\left(\text { Features }_{\text {detail }}, \text { Features }_{\text {system }}\right)\)       (11)

Meanwhile, the proposed method adopts self-supervised LSTM to keep high feature extraction capacity simultaneously ensuring the reliable feature representative ability. Two symmetrical LSTM layers are utilized to reconstruct the input states, which is formalized as:

\(\text { Input }_{\text {rec }}=\operatorname{LSTM}\left(L S T M\left(\text { Features }_{\text {detail }}\right)\right)\)       (12)

3.5 Output and Updating

The proposed SS-LSTM has two outputs: reconstructed input states as described in (12) and target machine priority as follows:

\(\text { Target }=\text { dense }(\text { Features })\)       (13)

Where one dense layer with nodes is employed to predict machine priority, the highest will be selected as the predicting label.

Corresponding to the two outputs we defined in the SS-LSTM, the proposed method calculates two loss functions to update the parameters of hidden layers in the SS-LSTM. One is the mean square error (MSE) for reconstructing input states. Another one is categorical cross-entropy (CCE) for outputting target. The proposed method employs , to combine them as follows:

\(\text { loss }=\alpha M S E+\beta C C E\)       (14)

Where 𝛼+𝛽=1. By minimizing the loss, the hidden layers of SS-LSTM are updated. Moreover, the influence of 𝛼, 𝛽, will be discussed in the next section. After obtaining the subclassification results, the converting algorithm will be utilized to convert the classification problem to the JSSP problem, which is similar to the reference [7].

Moreover, solving the JSSP using the proposed SS-LSTM could be written as (15). The new JSSP instance is converted into detailed-level states Input', and system-level states Kmeans(Input');SS - LSTM() are the trained model paramete′ rs; The target JSSPtarget will be converted into JSSP by using converting algorithm.

\(J S S P_{\text {target }}=S S-L S T M\left(\text { Input }^{\prime}, \text { Kmeans }\left(\text { Input }^{\prime}\right)\right)\)       (15)

4 Experimental Verification

To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method for complex JSSP. We implement the proposed SS-LSTM based on the operating system of ubuntu 16.04.3 with 23GB memory at a speed rate of 3.6 GHz, TensorFlow backend Keras for several complex JSSP instances.

4.1 Modeling

This section gives one detailed explanation about how to use the proposed SS-LSTM to process the JSSP instance from scratch, including the configuration, data generation, training the model, and system-level states identification.

4.1.1 Configuration

This manuscript adopted LSTM to solve JSSP, which has some hyperparameters that need to be defined, including input nodes, hidden nodes, activation function, loss function, and optimizer. For the loss function, we have defined MSE for target output and CCE for input reconstructing output, as defined in (14). For others, we adopted "Adam" as the optimizer to find the best convergence path. Rectified linear unit (ReLu) is selected as the activation function except for two output layers are "linear" and "softmax." The detailed configurations using an example of ten machines, as shown in Fig. 6. The left input layer corresponds to the detailed-level channel, while the right one is the system-level channel. Moreover, the LSTM layers' nodes are 64 and 128, used to extract the hidden patterns from the detailed-level channel for next-action prediction. The "RepeatVector” layer is used to reconstruct the detailed-level states, and the “Concatenate” layer is for fusing the detailed-level and system-level features, respectively. Moreover, the nodes number of the target output (right Dense layer) is set as ten as having ten machines.

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Fig. 6. The detailed configuration of the proposed SS-LSTM for ten machines JSSP instance.

4.1.2 Data Generation

The authors randomly generate 246 10×10 JSSP instances whose processing time ranges from 10 to 100. We utilize GA to solve those instances and calculate its detailed-level input states as defined in Table 1. Moreover, algorithm 1 is applied to create corresponding labels. At last, it obtained 24600 samples. For other kinds of JSSP instances, by simply changing the job numbers and machine numbers 𝑚.

4.1.3 Traini𝑛𝑛 ng the Model 

This paper adopted an early stop strategy to train the model. Specifically, splitting the generated samples into two parts: 80% training samples are used to train the model; The rest 20% validation samples is for finding the best model within given 150 epochs using the early stop strategy with patience 20. If the loss does not decrease for twenty steps in a row, the training process will be the end, and the epoch with the lowest loss will be saved as the trained model; Else will not stop until up to the 150 epochs. Shao et al. [33] also adopted this method to find the best model for power forecasting.

4.1.4 System-level states identification

The proposed method adopts the K-means algorithm to identify system-level production states. This manuscript specifies cluster numbers to be 1-30. Fig. 7 shows the values of the within cluster sum of errors (WCSS) [30] on the training set. It is clear to select 13 as cluster numbers due to changing in WCSS begins to level off at cluster 13.

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Fig. 7. The WCSS values of different clusters.

4.2 The influence of 𝜶,𝜷

After getting the two-channel inputs, the authors train the model with different 𝜶,𝜷 on one famous JSSP data set-ft10 [34], a 10×10 JSSP instance to find the best trade-off between them. The results indicate that 𝛼 0.4 and 𝛽 0.6 performs best with the make-span of 1613, which could be found in Table 2. Moreover, the smaller 𝛼 is better, as conducted from Fig. 8. The sequential analysis is based on 𝛼 0.4 and 𝛽 0.6 as they perform the best. 

Table 2. The results on ft10 using different 𝜶,𝜷

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Fig. 8. The influence of different 𝜶 on ft10.

4.3 Comparative Analysis

To validate the effectiveness of the proposed SS-LSTM for JSSP. The authors compared it with some leading methods, including the deep learning-based method hybrid deep neural network (HDNN) proposed by Zang et al. [7], in which they already proved that HDNN outperforms others such as shallow NN, SVM, and RF. Therefore, this manuscript only compared the proposed SS-LSTM with HDNN. Moreover, we compared the proposed SS- LSTM with some DRL-based methods, including classical DRL [25], CNN-DRL1 [26], more complex CNN-DRL2 [27]. All the above comparative are carried out based on two JSSP instances, including ft10 and ft20 [34], and each DRL-based method run 20, 000 epochs to find the best solution. We adopted the original code of HDNN from the website Moreover, we adopted their deep learning part for the DRL-based methods as the structure, and reinforcement parts are the same. The deep learning part of each DRL-based method, as described in Table 3. Where the term "Conv1D", "Maxpool1D" represent 1-D convolutional and max-pooling operations, 𝑛 is the job number. The results using make-span, as shown in Table 4. The findings indicated that only the proposed method and HDNN could find the solution for both two JSSP instances. However, DNN-DRL cannot find the solutions; CNN-DRL1 and CNN-DRL2 only find the solution for ft10. Those evidence has proven that the deep learning-based method is more effective than the DRL-based method for complex JSSP instance when we consider the limitations of the hardware.

Table 3. The configuration information of each comparative method

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Table 4. The make-span of each comparative method on ft10, ft20 (“-” means no solution)

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We further compare the proposed SS-LSTM with HDNN on different complicated JSSP instances, including la24 and la36 [35]. The findings indicate that the proposed method wins three times over four JSSP instances, except for HDNN [7] performs a little better on la36, as shown in Fig. 9. Moreover, the proposed method does not require two-dimensional transformation, while HDNN needs. Thereby it saves lots of computing resources. The comparative analysis has confirmed that the proposed SS-LSTM could effectively solve complex JSSP; and it has good robustness for different complex JSSP.

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Fig. 9. The comparison results for complex JSSP.

4.4 Ablation Study

To explore each component's influence on the proposed SS-LSTM for solving complex JSSP, the authors designed three experiments. Especially designed LSTM alone to validate the system-level channel's effectiveness. Designed SS-LSTM without a self-supervised mechanism to validate its impact. All configurations are the same as SS-LSTM. The results are tested on the ft10 instance, as shown in Table 5. Comparing LSTM alone with SS-LSTM without a self-supervised mechanism, the system-level channel has reduced the make-span of 8.38%. Therefore, it confirmed the effectiveness of the system-level channel in the proposed method. Moreover, the supervised mechanism application has improved 11.18% performance by comparing it with the proposed SS-LSTM. The findings have confirmed the effectiveness of each part in the proposed SS-LSTM.

Table 5. The ablation analysis of the proposed method on ft10 instance

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5. Discussion

The JSSP is a very challenging problem with the continues development of the industry. Massive devices increasing the difficulty since it may cause an NP-hard problem. One example is used to explain what is JSSP, as shown in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3. This paper proposed a novel and useful method named self-supervised LSTM for solving complex JSSP, as shown in Fig. 5. It treated JSSP as a multiple subclassification problem, the whole workflow, including six steps, as described in Fig. 1. The critical step is to build one powerful deep model to accurately extract rich hidden patterns to predict the next action. Moreover, JSSP is one ongoing problem. Therefore, the proposed method applied dual channels based on LSTM to fully extract hidden patterns of production states due to LSTM could address the long-time dependency problem. Significantly, the detailed-level channel is for extracting detailed production states features, while the system-level channel is for system-level feature extraction. Furthermore, to make a trade-off between classification and feature extraction, the self-supervised mechanism is employed.

The comparative analysis has confirmed the proposed SS-LSTM’s effectiveness for solving complex JSSP, which could be conducted from Table 4 and Fig. 9. Moreover, Table 4 has proven that the deep learning-based methods are more effective than the DRL-based methods for complex JSSP instance when considering the hardware limitations.

To build the model, the authors defined 18 variables to reflect the detail-level states, as shown in Table 1. Also, the model adopted the K-means algorithm to identify the system-level states, WCSS is adopted to select the appropriate system-level states, as shown in Fig. 7.

To explore the influence of 𝛼,𝛽, we trained the model on the ft10 JSSP instance. The results indicate that 𝛼 0.4 and 𝛽 0.6 performs best, which could be found in Table 2. Moreover, the smaller 𝛼 is better, as conducted from Fig. 8.

To explore the inner working mechanism of the proposed SS-LSTM for JSSP. We did an ablation study with three experiments on the ft10 JSSP instance. Significantly, the system level channel reduced the make-span by 8.38%, and the supervised mechanism improved the performance by 11.18%, respectively. They could be conducted in Table 5. In summary, the proposed SS-LSTM could effectively and accurately solve complex JSSP.

However, same to other deep learning models, the proposed SS-LSTM for JSSP needs to set the hyperparameters based on our experience, which limits the accuracy’s improvement. Moreover, the proposed method’s accuracy depends on the optimal solution, the accuracy still can be improved by using appreciate optimal method.

6. Conclusion

This manuscript has proposed a novel deep learning-based framework named SS-LSTM for solving complex JSSP. The comparative analysis has confirmed its effectiveness and robustness. In the proposed SS-LSTM, dual channels are utilized to extract rich hidden patterns from detail-level and system-level channels to reflect production environments fully. The detail-level channel defined 18 variables to stand by the detail-level states, while the K means algorithm identifies system-level states. Moreover, adopting a self-supervised mechanism with LSTM autoencoder to keep high feature extraction capacity simultaneously ensuring the reliable feature representative ability. The ablation study has confirmed each component’s effectiveness in the proposed method for complex JSSP. Significantly, the system-level channel reduced the make-span by 8.38%, and the supervised mechanism improved the performance by 11.18%, respectively. By combining those technologies properly, the proposed SS-LSTM could accurately process complex JSSP.

As discussed in the discussion part, using proper hyperparameters could improve SS- LSTM's performance. In the future, we will utilize DRL technology to find the best hyperparameters for solving complex JSSP under the proposed framework. Moreover, we will validate its generality on other kinds of time-series data sets.


This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program 20004205, The development of smart collaboration manufacturing innovation service platform in the textile industry by producer-buyer B2B connection funded By the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea).


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