A Deep Learning Model for Extracting Consumer Sentiments using Recurrent Neural Network Techniques

  • Ranjan, Roop (Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology) ;
  • Daniel, AK (Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2021.08.05
  • 발행 : 2021.08.30


The rapid rise of the Internet and social media has resulted in a large number of text-based reviews being placed on sites such as social media. In the age of social media, utilizing machine learning technologies to analyze the emotional context of comments aids in the understanding of QoS for any product or service. The classification and analysis of user reviews aids in the improvement of QoS. (Quality of Services). Machine Learning algorithms have evolved into a powerful tool for analyzing user sentiment. Unlike traditional categorization models, which are based on a set of rules. In sentiment categorization, Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) has shown significant results, and Convolution Neural Network (CNN) has shown promising results. Using convolutions and pooling layers, CNN can successfully extract local information. BiLSTM uses dual LSTM orientations to increase the amount of background knowledge available to deep learning models. The suggested hybrid model combines the benefits of these two deep learning-based algorithms. The data source for analysis and classification was user reviews of Indian Railway Services on Twitter. The suggested hybrid model uses the Keras Embedding technique as an input source. The suggested model takes in data and generates lower-dimensional characteristics that result in a categorization result. The suggested hybrid model's performance was compared using Keras and Word2Vec, and the proposed model showed a significant improvement in response with an accuracy of 95.19 percent.



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