Diagnostic challenge and management of intraosseous mandibular hemangiomas: a case report and literature review

  • 투고 : 2019.09.19
  • 심사 : 2019.12.09
  • 발행 : 2021.08.31


Hemangioma is a benign tumor characterized by the proliferation of blood vessels. Although it often appears in soft tissues, its occurrence in bone tissue, particularly the mandible, is extremely rare. A 32-year-old female sought attention at the dental clinic complaining of a painless swelling in the posterior region of the left side of the mandible. A panoramic radiograph and computed axial tomography scan were taken, showing honeycomb and sunburst images, respectively, in the affected area. The patient underwent a biopsy, which led to the diagnosis of intraosseous hemangioma. Having assessed the characteristics of the lesion, it was decided to perform complete excision including safety margins, followed by an iliac crest bone graft to reconstruct the mandible. Awareness of the possible clinical and radiographic presentations of intraosseous hemangioma is considered important, as non-diagnosis could have severe consequences given its possible relation to dental structures.



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