An exploratory study on the Press Arbitration Act, freedom of expression, and regulation of false and manipulated information

언론중재법과 표현의 자유 그리고 허위·조작 정보의 규제에 대한 탐색적 연구

  • 김재영 (남서울대학교 광고홍보학과)
  • Received : 2021.11.01
  • Accepted : 2021.11.30
  • Published : 2021.12.01


The meaning of the amendment to the Media Arbitration Act in our society is not limited to media companies. And it's not just a problem for a specific group. It expresses public value because it is an issue that can affect members of society as a whole and furthermore, it becomes a bill that can infringe or strengthen individual freedom guaranteed by the Constitution, but makes different arguments. Freedom of speech is not achieved in a day and should not be easily lost by someone. Although it is not a frequent problem, fatal threats arising from wrong media reports take away an individual's present and future. It is because of this problem that the responsibility is important. Freedom of speech and control are heading in different directions, but they are the same as the front and back of the coin. The freedom pursued is different, but it consists of one body. If freedom and responsibility of speech made up of one body criticize or ignore each other, the results are scattered into a distorted On the other hand, the flexion of responsibility without freedom serves as a speaker that conveys the ideology of some classes or represents the interests of a particular group. The fact that the media should act as the air of society means that it should represent the interests of the majority, make them aware of the rights of unfair or marginalized members, and be their strength.



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