A Study of Recent Trend and Revision Draft of the Chinese Arbitration Law

중국의 2021년중재법 개정안과 그 시사점

  • 이양 (中國西南政法大學 民商法學院) ;
  • 김용길 (圓光大學校 法學專門大學院)
  • Received : 2021.10.31
  • Accepted : 2021.11.30
  • Published : 2021.12.01


The Chinese Arbitration Law came into force in 1995 and has been implemented for 26 years. As a party to the New York Convention, there are many contradictions and conflicts between the Chinese Arbitration Law and the New York Convention on the issue of ad hoc arbitration, and this institutional disconnection can bring about problems such as misalignment of arbitration powers. On July 30, 2021, China's Ministry of Justice published a draft of the revised Arbitration Law for public consultation, and the draft has generated a lively debate among the public. This article explores the reasonable and inadequate points of the draft of Arbitration Law in light of the recent trends in the use of commercial arbitration in China, the COVID-19, the Free Trade Zone, and the relationship between the Civil Code and the Arbitration Law.



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