网络流行语"X+人"探析 - 从"打工人", "尾款人", "工具人"等谈起

  • 투고 : 2021.07.26
  • 심사 : 2021.09.06
  • 발행 : 2021.09.30


With the progress of social economy and science and technology, network media technology has developed rapidly, China has ushered in the network information age, and the network buzzwords emerged to reflect the interaction and influence between language and society. The network buzzwords of "X+ ren "indirectly show the social psychology and value orientation of modern people with their unique structural characteristics, semantic connotation and cultural deposits, and so on. Based on this, we have conducted a multi-angle investigation on the network buzzwords "X+ ren". This paper first analyzes the structure types and syntactic functions of the lexical model of "X+ ren ", then makes a semantic analysis of the lexical model of "X+ Ren ", and finally investigates the causes and influences of the popularity of "X+ ren ". Through the investigation, we believe that "X+ ren "will continue to grow, and "X+ ren" will continue to attract the attention of the academic community.



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