Analysis of the Fertilizing Effects of Hydroponic Waste Solution on Lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. captitata) Cultivation - Based on Inorganic Nitrogen Content -

상추재배를 위한 시설하우스 배액의 비효평가 - 무기태 질소를 중심으로 -

  • Yun, Sung-Wook (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Lim, Ju-Mi (Department of Life Science and Environmental Biochemistry, Pusan National University) ;
  • Moon, Jongpil (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Jang, Jaekyoung (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Park, Minjung (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Son, Jinkwan (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Lee, Hyun-Ho (Department of Life Science and Environmental Biochemistry, Pusan National University) ;
  • Seo, Hyomin (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences) ;
  • Choi, Duk-Kyu (Department of Agricultural Engineering, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences)
  • Received : 2021.05.14
  • Accepted : 2021.06.07
  • Published : 2021.07.31


The feasibility of HWS for agricultural use was analyzed through a crop cultivation test to utilize the hydroponic waste solution (HWS) generated from the nutriculture greenhouse. The fertilizing effect of HWS was assessed on the basis of the inorganic nitrogen (N) mostly existed in HWSs, and nitrogen (urea) fertilizer. Lettuce was selected as the target crop influenced by the soil treatment and also for the crop cultivation test. Thus, the change in growth characteristics of lettuce and that in chemical characteristics of the soil were investigated. In terms of the growth of lettuce, the C control group with 70% nitrogen (urea) fertilizer and 30% HWS and the D control group with 50% nitrogen (urea) fertilizer and 50% HWS were more effective than the practice control group (B) with 100% nitrogen (urea) fertilizer. The results of this study confirmed the combined applicability of the chemical fertilizer and HWS for crop cultivation. Because NO3-N present in HWS has a high possibility of leaching into the soil, its applicability as a fertilizer has been considered to be relatively low in Korea. However, if an appropriate mixing ratio of urea fertilizer and HWS could be applied, the problems associated with leaching of nitrate nitrogen could be reduced with beneficial effects on crop cultivation. Thus, future studies are required on the treatment effect of HWS with repeated cultivation, impact assessment on the surrounding environment, and appropriate fertilization methods using nitrogen (urea) fertilizer and HWS. These studies would facilitate the sustainable recycling of HWS.



본 연구는 농촌진흥청 연구사업 (세부과제번호: PJ014190022021)의 지원에 의해 이루어진 것임.


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