동합금 가두리망 방어양식의 경제성과 수익구조

Economic Feasibility of Culture Using the Copper Alloy Net Cage and the Profit Model of Fish Farm on Yellowtail, Seriola quinqueradiata

  • 투고 : 2021.06.09
  • 심사 : 2021.06.25
  • 발행 : 2021.06.30


This study is aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of yellowtail culture using the copper alloy net cage in Gyeongsangbuk-do. First of all, in order to evaluate the copper alloy net cage on yellowtail culture, I review the trend on the yellowtail culture industry and research the concept of copper alloy net cage. The copper-alloy net cage is now recognized as an advantages of its system stability, recycling, antibiosis and food safety. The results were summarized as follows: first, there was significant meaning of the profit model of yellowtail culture by the price difference. Second, I analyzed in the economic feasibility of yellowtail culture using the copper alloy net cage, internal rate of return (IRR) was 51.58%, a benefit-cost ratio was shown to be 2.27 and net present value (NPV) was 1,087,337 thousand won, which indicates the economic feasibility of yellowtail culture using the copper alloy net cage is profitable. Finally, in order to improve the economic valuation, it is necessary to focus more on the developing of technology and cost reduction strategy on the copper alloy net cage.



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