이 논문은 2020학년도 제주대학교 교원성과지원사업에 의하여 연구되었음.
- D. Touretzky, F. Martin, D. Seehorn, C. Breazeal, & T. Posner. (2019). Special session: AI for K-12 guidelines initiative. Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 492-493. DOI: 10.1145/3287324.3287525
- Q. ZuJun. (2019 Oct.). [China] AI.SW education, why and how do we start? 2019 Global Software Education Conference Issue Paper. (pp. 12-25). Seoul : KOFAC.
- Software Policy & Research Institute (No. 60 Jun, 2019). AI strategy trend of Japan : AI strategy 2019. Seongnam : Monthly Software Oriented Society.
- House of Lords: Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. (2017). AI in the UK: ready, willing and able? London : Authority of the House of Lords.
- Y. J. Chae (2021. 3. 1). Ministry of Education, metropolitan/provincial offices of education, publish AI textbooks and auxiliary textbooks. Metro. https://www.metroseoul.co.kr/
- K. S. Kim et el. (2020). Development a Standard Curriculum Model of Next-generation Software Education. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 24(4), 337-367. DOI : 10.14352/jkaie.2020.24.4.337
- Consolidation of relevant Ministry. (2019). Artificial intelligence national strategy. Press Release. https://www.msit.go.kr
- Consolidation of relevant Ministry. (2020). A plan to spread AI/SW education to the whole nation. Press Release. https://www.4th-ir.go.kr/
- M. Y. Ryu & S. K. Han. (2019). AI education programs for deep-learning concepts. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 23(6), 583-590. DOI : 10.14352/jkaie.2019.23.6.583
- Y. H. Lee. (2019). An analysis of the influence of block-type programming language-based artificial intelligence education on the learner's attitude in artificial intelligence. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 23(2), 189-196. DOI : 10.14352/jkaie.2019.23.2.189
- I. H. Yoo et el. (2020). A Study on Development and Application of Artificial Intelligence Education Program using Robot. Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education, 24(5), 443-451. DOI : 10.14352/jkaie.2020.24.5.443
- H. S. Kim, S. J. Jun, S. Y. Choi & S. A. Kim. (2020). Development and application of education program on understanding artificial intelligence and social impact. Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education, 23(2), 21-29. DOI : 10.32431/kace.2020.23.2.003
- S. H. Lee. (2020). Analyzing the effects of artificial intelligence (AI) education program based on design thinking process. Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education, 23(4), 49-59. DOI : 10.32431/kace.2020.23.4.0053
- J. D. R. Garcia, J. M. Leon, M. R. Gonzalez & G. Robles. (2019 Nov.). Developing computational thinking at school with machine learning: an exploration. 2019 International Symposium on Computers in Education. 21-23. Tomar : IEEE. DOI : 10.1109/SIIE48397.2019.8970124
- Cung C. J. & Shamir L. (2020). Introducing Machine Learning with Scratch and Robots as a Pilot Program for K-12 Computer Science Education. 3rd International Conference on Future Learning (ICFL 2020).
- H. Y. Ryu & J. W. Cho. (2021). Development of Artificial Intelligence Education System for K-12 Based on 4P. Journal of Digital Convergence, 19(1), 141-149. DOI : 10.14400/JDC.2021.19.1.000
- H. C. Lee et el. (2016). A Study on Surveying the Actual Conditions and Evaluating the Effectiveness of SW Education in Elementary and Secondary Schools. Gwacheon : Ministry of Science ICT and Future Planning.
- Northstar (2019). AI today, AI tomorrow: Awareness, acceptance and anticipation of AI : A global consumer perspective. London : ARM | Northstar.