Effects of Impeller Geometry on the 11α-Hydroxylation of Canrenone in Rushton Turbine-Stirred Tanks

  • Rong, Shaofeng (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology) ;
  • Tang, Xiaoqing (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology) ;
  • Guan, Shimin (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology) ;
  • Zhang, Botao (Department of Biological Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Li, Qianqian (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology) ;
  • Cai, Baoguo (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology) ;
  • Huang, Juan (Department of Biological Engineering, Shanghai Institute of Technology)
  • 투고 : 2021.04.01
  • 심사 : 2021.05.17
  • 발행 : 2021.06.28


The 11α-hydroxylation of canrenone can be catalyzed by Aspergillus ochraceus in bioreactors, where the geometry of the impeller greatly influences the biotransformation. In this study, the effects of the blade number and impeller diameter of a Rushton turbine on the 11α-hydroxylation of canrenone were considered. The results of fermentation experiments using a 50 mm four-blade impeller showed that 3.40% and 11.43% increases in the conversion ratio were achieved by increasing the blade number and impeller diameter, respectively. However, with an impeller diameter of 60 mm, the conversion ratio with a six-blade impeller was 14.42% lower than that with a four-blade impeller. Data from cold model experiments with a large-diameter six-blade impeller indicated that the serious leakage of inclusions and a 22.08% enzyme activity retention led to a low conversion ratio. Numerical simulations suggested that there was good gas distribution and high fluid flow velocity when the fluid was stirred by large-diameter impellers, resulting in a high dissolved oxygen content and good bulk circulation, which positively affected hyphal growth and metabolism. However, a large-diameter six-blade impeller created overly high shear compared to a large-diameter four-blade impeller, thereby decreasing the conversion ratio. The average shear rates of the former and latter cases were 43.25 s-1 and 35.31 s-1, respectively. We therefore concluded that appropriate shear should be applied in the 11α-hydroxylation of canrenone. Overall, this study provides basic data for the scaled-up production of 11α-hydroxycanrenone.



This work was supported by the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (Grant no. 17441905400).


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