The Pacing of Volume Lessons in American Elementary Textbooks Compared to Students' Development in Volume Measurement

  • Received : 2021.04.29
  • Accepted : 2021.06.28
  • Published : 2021.06.30


In the early stage of lesson enactment process, teachers use textbooks and other resources to select tasks and activities. It follows that discrepancies between textbooks and research-recommended pathways for learning may lead to concerns or issues with pacing in the classroom. To explore this idea further, this study examined the alignment between three popular standards-aligned textbooks series and volume learning trajectories. The results indicated that the standards-based textbooks examined may lack attention to important topics in the pacing of volume instruction, and suggest the need to inform both pre-service and in-service teachers about the gap between textbook lessons and volume learning trajectories so that they will be able to reflect students' thinking in volume learning trajectory to their lessons.



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